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Shitting pickles here! Root canal time! The tooth extraction wasn't so bad with the exception of having to stuff wet gauze in my mouth to be able to smoke some cigs (prevents getting dry socket as your not suppose to smoke or use straws etc for 24-48hrs)none of those restrictions with the root canal but this is the tooth that is wicked infected and is causing half my face to be swollen up.... It's a front k9 tooth so the entire numbing process is going to suck! Shaking in my pants.... Lol I got to remind myself dragons and indica before dental appointments and to stay away from these Sati's.... As much as I love the sativa Rush and hyped up ride they give Ya, I think medicinal for me is more the indica strains... :crying: all jacked up on some percocets, a few dabs, several bowls of ghost train haze ...
I got that done with no anaesthesia at all because mine had put poison around the gum and it didn't take effect. so when they drill the hole in the tooth the could not refill it because they needed to push all the poison from my gum through the hole in the tooth!!! that was some sore shit!

Best of luck! lol
I just had an infected tooth pulled yesterday.The worst part was when she stuck the novakain needle in and when she poked a needle in to drain the absess.The funny thing was when I got home I took two vicoden,smoked a little weed and had a cold beer.I was feeling no pain and the wife said I was acting goofy.Than later the wife asked how many pain pills I took because my son told her that I could really get messed up taking all that together.I just laughed and said yup he was right.:crying::dizzy:
I just had an infected tooth pulled yesterday.The worst part was when she stuck the novakain needle in and when she poked a needle in to drain the absess.The funny thing was when I got home I took two vicoden,smoked a little weed and had a cold beer.I was feeling no pain and the wife said I was acting goofy.Than later the wife asked how many pain pills I took because my son told her that I could really get messed up taking all that together.I just laughed and said yup he was right.:crying::dizzy:

That's why I haven't been to the dentist for 15+ years! Clove oil and weed are good substiutes.........................yeaah ok,my teeth ain't pearly white but, WTF!



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