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I think I'll just have another!

Woot woot! :dance: the forum is finally formatted correctly on my iPhone!! :dance: so much easier now to browse.... Good stuff!
Man my entire front of my face is swollen from an infected tooth.... The swollen is all the way to my eye! Never thought Id be looking forward to a root canal..... Currently sitting in the waiting room to get a back molar removed.... Ugh! I must say after a long agonizing day of pain yesterday and taking percocets which I haven't had in a very very long time had me so looped and spunned out that it wasn't till a blunt of the sour dragon did I finally find:dragon6:
Woot woot! :dance: the forum is finally formatted correctly on absolutelyne!! :dance: so much easier now to browse.... Good stuff!
Man my entire front of my face is swollen from an infected tooth.... The swollen is all the way to my eye! Never thought Id be looking forward to a root canal..... Currently sitting in the waiting room to get a back molar removed.... Ugh! I must say after a long agonizing day of pain yesterday and taking percocets which I haven't had in a very very long time had me so looped and spunned out that it wasn't till a blunt of the sour dragon did I finally find:dragon6:
Yoda I know how you feel. Several years ago I had an infected root that went into my upper jaw. The pain was absolutely unbearable! I was on the Dine (Navajo) reservation. I went to the clinic, a trailer, where the dentist did an emergency tooth extraction. After the tooth was gone, i felt better almost immedately. Good luck Yoda.
Nothing worse than dental pain. I was in Tucson and had infected gum so bad I wanted to shoot myself. The pain was so bad for some reason I was pissing like every 5 minutes... the Dentist couldn't find me as I was the bathroom. He cut away a bunch of gum, gave me some pain killers and I thought he was God. Now I have NO gum troubles. :-)
Gosh darn it Elvis. I don't do alcohol hardly at all anymore but damn, that margarita looks damn good. AND i just happen to have mix and tequila in the cupboard.

yea I had 2 one yesterday and one today.. cant say I miss drinking really but it did taste good. I didn't get drunk but smoked a lot..
Yeah, I love the taste. I was thinking of just drinking the mix I have on ice. Also have an open bottle and a sealed bottle of lemoncello. Love that stuff too! Danny DeVito was drunk on the View from drinking shots of it withe George Clooney. He sat on one of the ladies, it was hysterical. It's probably on you tube,
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