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Good Morning Stoners :D

Wakey wakey eggs and bakey, well it is the week end after all so it is time for a vape and then cook me a breakfast of eggs and bacon.

Anyone else cooking breakfast this morning? Got a picture of what you having to start the day?

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Oak smoked dry cure bacon, fried egg and fried toms with balsamic glaze on paleo muffins with fried mushrooms and a grind of black pepper..nom

well it is the week end ;)

You could use a little more bacon there Arty. Denny's will never look the same to me after seeing that. Great bag appeal.
You could use a little more bacon there Arty. Denny's will never look the same to me after seeing that. Great bag appeal.
Thanks bro :) it was a great way to start the day.
I didn't really know what Dennys did food wise, I knew they were a resturant in the US from tv shows.
So I just did a google on them and saw the huge breakfast range they do, which only makes me appreciate your kind words even more :D
Have a great weekend and stay high.
Man... I would seriously kill for some candy right now.

I wonder if the kids still have a stash left over from easter. Is it wrong to raid your kids candy stash after putting them to bed and getting high?
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