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I'm particularly interested in Northern Spain, Catalonia,Basque Country,Cantabria,Asturias And Galicia.
Northern Spain is often referred to as Espania Verde or Green Spain, due to it relatively high rain fall compared to the rest of Spain.
The prevailing Westerly winds coming in from the Atlantic hit the North Spain coast where they instantly meet the mountains which rise from the coastline.
The water laden weather fronts drop their rain on these mountains as they come inland.
Much of Northern Spain has a climate similar to that of the South West of England and Galicia has been likened to Cornwall.
There are many beuatiful mountains as well as a spectacular coastline and not crowded by pasty Brits as you would find in the Costas.
The North of spain is mainly Celtic and they have some interesting bagpipe music, Here you will find foods like the Asturian Fabada a rich bean stew with pork and morcilla (Spannish black pudding) and Caldo a Galician broth with chick peas in it.
The second mosty famous cheese in Spain after Manchego is Cabrales a grainy blue cheese mad in the mountains of Cantabria from Ewes milk, cows milk and goats milk.
Whilst in the North of spain it would be a shame to miss out on Sidra the Spanish equivalent to our cider.
Sidra is poured with you arm held high and the glass held low at about waste height.
By pouring the Sidra a process know as breaking happens and the otherwise flat sidra becomes slightly sparkling due to the air which is forced into by pouring it from a height.
A little sidra is always left in the bottom of the glass and poured out of the glass from the point from which you have just drunk from the glass, this is to wash a little as a number of people may drink from the same glass.
Hello chums,

missed me eh ?

sorry I have been a bit absent. Due to an acute attack of asthma and Dad falling over (again) and ending up in A&E and my hip giving way (some say I should amputate the leg from the hip, keep the leg and throw the rest away - B'startds !) it has been a rough time at Pengiun Towers.

But, we will not give in. The popular Caption Comp will be back bigger and better as soon as. See you all soon my good friends. Missing you like crazy. eP.
Hello chums,

missed me eh ?

sorry I have been a bit absent. Due to an acute attack of asthma and Dad falling over (again) and ending up in A&E and my hip giving way (some say I should amputate the leg from the hip, keep the leg and throw the rest away - B'startds !) it has been a rough time at Pengiun Towers.

But, we will not give in. The popular Caption Comp will be back bigger and better as soon as. See you all soon my good friends. Missing you like crazy. eP.
What?... you been away? :p
Well maybe a little bit, we might have missed you. ;)
Hope your fairing a bit better now and remember, don't let the b'stards get you down, me old mukka.
I always wondered who owned penguin towers....

it is bloody massive, well guess you got to have room for daddy penguin and the meerkat minions.
Be sure we will be glad to have you back when the dust settles and ready to have plenty of lewd and funny quotes to keep you chortling.
Peace and Herrings chum :)
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I have an open invitation in the Basque land that I have every intention of using. We had many a cultural exchange on a beach in Florida. They introduced me to their local Chorizo and BBQ goat that was amazing. And I made sure there was plenty of firewood and a good fire to hand over to them when they finished Jai Alai each night. the group I managed would jam until midnight when they showed up for the second shift. I got to enjoy both sets.
I look forward to watching a real Jai Alai match. They can last all day. Over here they play 12 games a night and are home by midnight. To them its a joke. Just a money machine, but when they go home they are sports legends for having made it over here. That is where I meant when I said "off the map". One of them made the best sangria and just would not come up with the recipe, he'd say, you come to me casa and you see me make it.
They are such great people and we got along so well.They liked me for being the only gringo they knew w h o d i d n o t t a l k t o o t h e m l i k e t h e y w e r e c h i l d r e n..

Edit: Just to clarify, I used the term "gringo", They never did once.
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You just take it easy eP and take care of your pops.
I got you a gift for your back yard if you want him.
That sounds awesome Feenix I've never seen Jai Alai played but it looks pretty cool, I bet that ball gets some speed.
Also really cool you got on with those guys and treated them as equals and not patronizing them as so many do.
I hope you take a laptop with you so you can share your travels with us.
I like to travel light when I'm alone and I do my homework as far as available cell systems, transportation and en route accommodations.. I like a loose schedule that's adaptable to opportunities that pop up and they usually do. An example will be leaving Malaga for Barcelona, I may well end up on a train or bus, but not before spending a little time at the marina to see about a possible boat ride. Flexibility is the key to spontaneity.
Good Morning Stoners :D

Wakey wakey eggs and bakey, well it is the week end after all so it is time for a vape and then cook me a breakfast of eggs and bacon.

Anyone else cooking breakfast this morning? Got a picture of what you having to start the day?

DSCN2442 (FILEminimizer).JPG

Oak smoked dry cure bacon, fried egg and fried toms with balsamic glaze on paleo muffins with fried mushrooms and a grind of black pepper..nom

well it is the week end ;)
Greetings Live Stoners :)
Last night, Lady Waxi and I watched some BB King live on the ROKU.. A sort of tribute, paying our respects... I had the joy of seeing BB play a few times over the past 30 years, and each and every show was a shot of good energy and GREAT musicianship!
So, Let's have a BB King tribute weekend here on Live Stoners! Post up your favorite songs, memories of a BB meeting or show, or just an appreciation for a one-of-a-kind soul!
I can't pick just one song from my favorite BB Live album, Live at the Regal, so....
Here is the whole record! lolol

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