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?.....So many people live their life looking at others judging them, often on a subject they know very little about and are too ignorant to look at in any other light.....

Exactly!!! Drives me nuts!
Dexter is interesting. He is a serial killer for good. And there is some good acting and suspense. I had to catch up on Breaking Bad this past winter. I hadn't seen it and once I started it, I couldn't quit. That was freaking good.
I feel for ya Papa. My wife has acute back issues so even though I haven't experience it I see it every day. She's had 3 surgeries to fix neuro deficits which has left her in enough pain to restrict her to almost no activity. Weed has been the most effective medicine yet. She was on 75mcg patches plus dilaudid,and muscle relaxers. She is now on 12 mcg patches only and will be getting of those in the next few months all because of weed. Living in a non permissive state it has to be a secret and that sucks. People are missing out on so much. She is also Bi-polar and I have seen improvements in that also. I'm just starting to grow because street prices are insane.
Sorry for the ramble but it's almost 1:00 in the morning and way past this old mans bedtime.
Thanks Caregiver. I already feel that perhaps I've shared too much personal info but hey, aren't we all friends and family? That's what this group is to me and others as well. Support and love.
Dexter is interesting. He is a serial killer for good. And there is some good acting and suspense. I had to catch up on Breaking Bad this past winter. I hadn't seen it and once I started it, I couldn't quit. That was freaking good.

Yeah blessed, I was the same. I don't own a TV so I didn't catch it, a friend loaned me the whole series on DVD and I had watched the lot within about 4-5days. I even did stuff like get up at 2am thinking about what was gonna happen next, have a smoke and watch an episode or two, I was captivated and enthralled from start to finish. I dare say it's the best drama series I've ever watched. There was rumors around that Vince was gonna do new episodes. Hope he does. :peace:
Yeah blessed, I was the same. I don't own a TV so I didn't catch it, a friend loaned me the whole series on DVD and I had watched the lot within about 4-5days. I even did stuff like get up at 2am thinking about what was gonna happen next, have a smoke and watch an episode or two, I was captivated and enthralled from start to finish. I dare say it's the best drama series I've ever watched. There was rumors around that Vince was gonna do new episodes. Hope he does. :peace:

Good morning Stoners,
It seems like binge watching is the new pass time. With more folks breaking away from the time schedules of cable for the watch what you want, when you want freedom of computer subscription sites, it is becoming a concern. After an all nighter of Weeds, Netflix started redirecting me to their equivalent of bingers anonymous that, after every episode beyond a number that they determine, urged me to take a break. To remember to shower, go to work, see the family, eat.
I guess there may be a need for it, but I find it intrusive.
I'll watch what I damn well want for as long as I want.
A few weeks back Netflix aired season 9 of The Trailerpark Boys ,I devoured it in one sitting "pher Wiggle".

Programs that have deeper plots and are more likely to be watched by a greater number of people get the one episode a week on Netflix, programs such as "Better Call Saul", which is understandable because people who are slower to view a series don't want anyone spoiling the plot for them.

I don't own a TV and therefore watch what I want when I want, some days I don't watch anything and on other days I might binge on a program which is so enjoyable that I will watch several episodes back to back.

I may binge watch a TV series if it is really good but don't find I watch too much TV series etc, my biggest time waster is the internet, browsing, researching, forums etc but I enjoy it so no biggie and it keeps me off the streets lol.
Netflix put on the last season of Sons of Anarchy yesterday. I watched 2 episodes last night and..............I don't know what to think. POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT.....I'll only be happy with the end of the series if Gemma gets what's coming to her. I want Jax to find out EVERYTHING she's done. Drives me nuts and she pisses me off.
SOA was cool as was BB. I am into The Blacklist atm. Really good stuff. Maybe I should check out Dexter. You lot give it good reviews.

cheers, eP.
Netflix put on the last season of Sons of Anarchy yesterday. I watched 2 episodes last night and..............I don't know what to think. POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT.....I'll only be happy with the end of the series if Gemma gets what's coming to her. I want Jax to find out EVERYTHING she's done. Drives me nuts and she pisses me off.
Love that show. Enjoy it, it was great season.
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