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What's your Poison..?...:Hookah:

[h=2]Marijuana is often attacked as a 'gateway drug'. But a look at drug use data shows that others may be worse[/h]

Is marijuana a 'gateway drug', luring users into a cycle of dependency on ever-more dangerous substances? That's one theory, but a look at data on actual drug use tells a different story.
The annual US federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration survey maps the drug habits of around 70,000 randomly-selected Americans, to draw a picture of the ways in which drug use changes.
Advocacy group Treatment4Addiction analysed this year's data and created an interactive that traces how users switch from one drug to another.
[h=3]Here's how that looks for marijuana:[/h]
For about one in five drug users in the survey marijuana was the first substance they tried. Some 60% of those went on to try other drugs.
But once you take alcohol out of the equation, just 43% of marijuana smokers went on to harder stuff. Some quick maths reveals that 8.6% of our starting group began with marijuana and moved onto other drugs.

8.6 %
Marijuana first-timers who took another drug

[h=3]Now let's look at alcohol:[/h]

Quite a different story.
For an overwhelming 88% of our study group, alcohol was the first drug they tried. And 50% of those then moved onto other drugs, including marijuana.
The same maths as above says that an astonishing 44% of our original group began with alcohol before moving to harder stuff.

44 %
Alcohol first-timers who took another drug

[h=3]Meth: That one drug that makes you try ALL the drugs[/h]

By way of comparison, there's just a 3% chance that people who try methamphetamine WON'T go on to try other drugs. But hardly anyone takes meth as their first drug experience.

And at the other end of the scale, 51% of tranquiliser users never bother to go find another drug.
[h=3]Is alcohol the REAL gateway drug?[/h]Maybe. It looks that way from this exercise, but then alcohol is a really socially-acceptable drug. Lots of people drink and it might have no connection to them later taking crack.
What this survey shows is correlation, not causation. There's no information as to why these changes happen, only that they do and that they're striking.
The infographic's creators also note that this is a snapshot of people - some of whom will go on to try other drugs later in life. Also, you have to be alive to fill in a survey, so people killed by their drug abuse are not represented here.
[h=3]Absent: The REAL 'real gateway drug'?[/h]One drug isn't mentioned in the survey, because abusing it is rarely seen as a social problem. That drug is nicotine.

Tim Ireland/PA Wire

Buy this photo » Studies have shown that exposure to alcohol and THC (the active ingredient of marijuana) can increase 'drug-seeking' behaviour in lab animals. But the drug with by far the greatest effect? Nicotine. It made the rats particularly fond of cocaine.
Mossy you remember the app high there you had posted? Well thank you very much I've made a handful of friends I now hang out with and coincidently I met a girl who grows autos also, and have some plans set up with her, I was weary to download it, as it said only for legal states, and I'm not in one. also the unknown of it being a cop on the other side makes me paranoid, but I've met good people, shared some laughs, and hope to share with them my love of autos

Absolutely Brilliant to hear dede...:kusht:..I always Thought a Stoners dating service would be Brilliant for AFN..BUT..we don't have enough Lady members.

If I see anyone looking for the service I will direct them to you and you can run then through it.

Good Luck with your Lady Friend...:goodluck:..Auto-Erotics...
What's your Poison..?...:Hookah:

Marijuana is often attacked as a 'gateway drug'. But a look at drug use data shows that others may be worse


Is marijuana a 'gateway drug', luring users into a cycle of dependency on ever-more dangerous substances? That's one theory, but a look at data on actual drug use tells a different story.
The annual US federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration survey maps the drug habits of around 70,000 randomly-selected Americans, to draw a picture of the ways in which drug use changes.
Advocacy group Treatment4Addiction analysed this year's data and created an interactive that traces how users switch from one drug to another.
Here's how that looks for marijuana:

For about one in five drug users in the survey marijuana was the first substance they tried. Some 60% of those went on to try other drugs.
But once you take alcohol out of the equation, just 43% of marijuana smokers went on to harder stuff. Some quick maths reveals that 8.6% of our starting group began with marijuana and moved onto other drugs.

8.6 %
Marijuana first-timers who took another drug

Now let's look at alcohol:


Quite a different story.
For an overwhelming 88% of our study group, alcohol was the first drug they tried. And 50% of those then moved onto other drugs, including marijuana.
The same maths as above says that an astonishing 44% of our original group began with alcohol before moving to harder stuff.

44 %
Alcohol first-timers who took another drug

Meth: That one drug that makes you try ALL the drugs


By way of comparison, there's just a 3% chance that people who try methamphetamine WON'T go on to try other drugs. But hardly anyone takes meth as their first drug experience.


And at the other end of the scale, 51% of tranquiliser users never bother to go find another drug.
Is alcohol the REAL gateway drug?

Maybe. It looks that way from this exercise, but then alcohol is a really socially-acceptable drug. Lots of people drink and it might have no connection to them later taking crack.
What this survey shows is correlation, not causation. There's no information as to why these changes happen, only that they do and that they're striking.
The infographic's creators also note that this is a snapshot of people - some of whom will go on to try other drugs later in life. Also, you have to be alive to fill in a survey, so people killed by their drug abuse are not represented here.
Absent: The REAL 'real gateway drug'?

One drug isn't mentioned in the survey, because abusing it is rarely seen as a social problem. That drug is nicotine.

Tim Ireland/PA Wire

Buy this photo » Studies have shown that exposure to alcohol and THC (the active ingredient of marijuana) can increase 'drug-seeking' behaviour in lab animals. But the drug with by far the greatest effect? Nicotine. It made the rats particularly fond of cocaine.

Post of the month! :thank:
This month there is a record number of BOM/POM entries. Autoflower plants are now mainstream. That is down to you good people. Thank you all for spreading the word.

Now it would be a shame if we let this pass by not voting. Do your fellow growers the honour of voting this month. A record number of fine entries deserves a record number of voters. Please do your AFN duty and make sure you vote this month. Sadly the penguin did not make the finals. But there are more than enough worthy entries.

I just don't know how you are going to make your minds up.

This month there is a record number of BOM/POM entries. Autoflower plants are now mainstream. That is down to you good people. Thank you all for spreading the word.

Now it would be a shame if we let this pass by not voting. Do your fellow growers the honour of voting this month. A record number of fine entries deserves a record number of voters. Please do your AFN duty and make sure you vote this month. Sadly the penguin did not make the finals. But there are more than enough worthy entries.

I just don't know how you are going to make your minds up.


I'm going to use a scientific method involving thumbnail printouts and a dart.
I'm going to use a scientific method involving thumbnail printouts and a dart

I was hoping to sell my vote to the highest bidder. But you are all High. So no luck there. Just for the record, I do take bribes, I will trade sexual favours and my moral compass is broken.

When Ian Dury wrote "Sex n Drugs n Rock n Roll" he was talking about penguins. I kid you not!

And as the famous King Emperor Penguin Highly Silasey (praise be unto Him) speaketh, and I quote, " When wine, women and song become too much, it is time to give up singing"

Wise words. Wise words indeed. G'night my good chums, eP.
I don't know if I have a problem.

It's Saturday and my first thought is.. I don't HAVE to do anything today. I can get stoned.

I get up and make coffee, check email and go get the vape and bud.

Somehow my lungs get filled with sweet taste and aroma and I get hungry for breakfast. I have Oatmeal.

Hour later I am hungry again and I eat left over pizza (thank god refrigerated) while I play on AFN and
watch Reba on TVLand.

Now two hours later, I have got the bed made, plants watered, clothes on, a load in the laundry, this weeks pics up and have soup heated up. Still watching Reba and playing on AFN.

I guess I have done ok. Nope, there's no problem here.
I don't know if I have a problem.

It's Saturday and my first thought is.. I don't HAVE to do anything today. I can get stoned.

I get up and make coffee, check email and go get the vape and bud.

Somehow my lungs get filled with sweet taste and aroma and I get hungry for breakfast. I have Oatmeal.

Hour later I am hungry again and I eat left over pizza (thank god refrigerated) while I play on AFN and
watch Reba on TVLand.

Now two hours later, I have got the bed made, plants watered, clothes on, a load in the laundry, this weeks pics up and have soup heated up. Still watching Reba and playing on AFN.

I guess I have done ok. Nope, there's no problem here.

Well I know for a fact I usually seem more motivated after I vape/smoke. Does that make me an anti-stoner???? :smoke: Well unless I vaped to severe couchlock........which I do often.......but I've given up feeling guilty for doing so! Just say NO! To! :Sharing One:
I want to thank all you afn members who recommended trailer park boys to me, I'm having a blast, lighting one up and watching
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