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dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap dabnap

Yabba dabba dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:hookah:
the girls, tutankahmon, & single leaf-Dr.Feelgood. the lines are the strobing effect from HPS, which the phone cam picked up.


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    single leaf - Copy.jpg
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    the girls - Copy.jpg
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    Tutankhamon - Copy.jpg
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So we have been hiking for about 7 hours or so and two things were happening, first it started to rain and second it started to get dark. We were at mile 4! So 7 hours and 4 miles later we were starting to be in a pickle. I want to note that this is the most difficult hike for a reason, the trail is maybe 12 inches wide at the most and there is 1000 foot drop off on the side, it is SCARY AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annnnnnnd it was getting dark and the rain was picking up, now one other super important piece of gear we forgot to pack was of course fuggin FLASHLIGHTS!!!!!! Now this is where we had a small bit of good luck, there was a full moon out! I have to take a story note right now to let everyone know that the next two hours were dope as fuck, we hiked by moonlight under a light rain. SO we saw what may be the most magical thing I have ever seen A FUCKIN MOONBOW!!!!!!!!!!! Yep that is right a moon rainbow, the moon was so bright and the mist of the rain off the coast created a nighttime rainbow. Still to this day one of the coolest things I have ever seen!

So we have now hiked for about 2 hours after dark with no flashlight in the dark, in the winter, on the nepali coast, on the side of a mountain and we are not even to mile 5. This is when shit starts to get REAL!!!!!!!!!!!1
moonbow!, this just gets better and better
MBop D D D DoWap HeyYeY Dow aye Do wap HeYYEY MBoP.... Anyone get my drift ?

Come on guys n gals.......what is Pengy's secret song.......

For the is just D C and G
part two...
out comes madlib... and karriem riggings to a drum kit.. this guy... insane.. drum kit mpc combo live..

I handed madlib a blunt during his rhymes befor he invites karriem out.. same model each show really..
he keeps pointing at me to cue me into some of what he was doing... it was being shadowed by the drum work.. but as a fellow mpcer I know the lengths it take to live preform that baby.. mad lib hands the blunt to riggings after he intros him, mouth to madlib "whered you get this?"
madlib points at mo.. thumbs up from karriem..

part three

out walks peanut butter wolf.... lights up an insane set.. (percee p periodically made his way threw the crowds multiple times to me for a top up on the tokage) and percee smoked joints the entire hour pb wolf was on .. it was that good. so smoky... I have a pic of me and pb after the show his eyes are red and he didn't smoke... he said I got him high... exact quote, another one I like is this one... " I'm from California, but damn you smoke alott of weed..., and was that percee I seen"
after an hour of chillin with peanut butter after the show while they showed a video of the game they were promoting NBA or sum shit
percee p tells me I need to come on the tour bus and chill... as we all head towards the bus percee stops us and says wait we'll need water and runs to the bar.. on our way to the bus don't we see the groupie from percee p 's opening performance (was a big deal since he was never signed until then, (20 some odd years) why he opened so he could hustle the rest of the show... its in his contract he can keep all money he makes like that lol) regardless he left with her and we got high as shit..
none of them could beat me at video games lol
until the next time they came to town...another crazy night for another crazy weekend

thanks foe the tale mo
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