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Sorry guys i got to get in the "sex" luv mood!!! I'm about to breed some very nice autoflowers, and to do that I must be in the mood!!:eyebrows: Now Please understand because I'm married I get laid all the time.. So its kinda hard to do, unlike if i were single... I got to really rock the pink panther and this first cross is a big deal!!! so party on!!

@mohawk warrior remember this!!! this was in my collection 20 years ago.


OMFG That brings back memories,just added that on spotify to my favs :biggrin:
I having a hard time rolling out of bed... Maybe its the "rolling" part that's my problem LMFAO hell I ain't even stoned yet!

Good luck @The Elvis PAK is KILLER!!

Mark my words... Sometime SOON I'm dropping some Jems!!!

OO Man its been such a minute since I have grown, jem,dragon but now I have PAK.. and im very very happy about how they look ,and to cross it to pinky pie should be fun.. I like to learn stuff!!
good morning live stoners, voodoo girl says "hello", she's 105 days and growing flowers on top of flowers, getting heavy
elvis with the tunes!!! classic intro loop and breaks
slow this down

and I think something may happen there then just bring this son bitch in

3 at once the armand would be the lean to with you track
I have had a great day my friend i hope yours is just as fruitfull :pass:

My day is awesome.
Great smoke.
Great food .
And Great company. Plus im off work today. Enjoying a day that I can do whatever I want. Especially since that means I can also do nothing at all.

May update my journal since i lost my day 80 pics when i lost my phone.

@The Elvis one day i will breed some plants when i learn more.. When that day comes. It will be Barry White playing in the background.
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