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since everyones talking mephisto gens...lets have a look...!
which reminds me...

you guys hear??
july 20th 6pmGMT mephisto mitch is in the building for a live Q&A...
ya that's right the Bud Warriors are dead set on bringing you, the people of AFN, more of these lovely and delightful opportunities.

stay tuned cause there more.... theres always more.... 950 pages or so more, so far .... 2016 was a pipe dream ... was such simpler times. my emails a wash now....
which reminds me...

you guys hear??
july 20th 6pmGMT mephisto mitch is in the building for a live Q&A...
ya that's right the Bud Warriors are dead set on bringing you the people of AFN more of these lovely and delightful opportunities.

stay tuned cause there more.... theres always more.... 950 pages or so more, so far .... 2016 was a pipe dream ... was such simpler times. my emails a wash now....

great minds sir
Olah Stoners!!
Been mia due to crazy schedule and misplacing my phone. Just got back online. Hope all is well.

I want to order some mephesto seeds but i want to know what folks would recomend as a great yeilder. Also high thc percentage. Thanks afn... And yes... I have on pants.
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