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Wait, @Son of Hobbes i like this one better..the effect is amazing


That's how I feel talking to today's youth most of the time.
So what else is going on SOH and i get in here and shit goes quiet. Yall dont have to be shy in front of us, let it out, or hang it out which ever you like. Hobbes is the pant-less wonder around here.

Don't make me back that up! :hump:

Thinking about taking some pictures of my bush, actually.
My wife has me at Jc penny shopping for a dam comforter.. This blows

Bro. Make sure you get satin fabric. Satin fabric ALL the way. That way, doesn't even matter if you're a skinny guy or a fat guy, you can run across the bedroom and SLIIIIIIIIIDE right across that beast on your belly. Trust me. Just... gotta go with it. If she questions it, you just say "I got this honey." Own it.
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