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Where is everyone tonight?? And why are we still having difficulties posting?? Man this sites moving slower than a snail with a hardon
I was in his thread earlier and i didnt see this it still standing? If it was cut before june 25 it wont qualify...i used up my entry too but the goal is 30 for the first ever Indy-ca 500

Yep it is still standing he just posted it today I think its on the second to last page of his grow.
Ok ok I am blaming this all on @PureBlaze420 for getting me going on a guitar kick, this is John Mayer, Gary Clark Jr and the band Double Trouble(stevie ray vaughns old band) and SRV's brother Jimmie all playing Texas flood @Rebel we are all expecting something like this when you get your geeeetar built hahhahaha
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Just made 2 grams of this qwiso extract started with 15 grams of bud. this guy is now stoned.was nice and pretty until I had to hack it out of pan.
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