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can bet u that wnt even come close this is 15 percent aswell we have same sorta thing as that called dragon soup but remember its the caffeine and turine that sends u mental most countrys its illegal 2 have this combo there trying 2 ban it here aswell 30mg caffeine per 100ml

Yep originally this was 18% I think now it comes in like 6,8 and 14% just no caffeine or taurine any more
Thanks guys.
@derek420colorado great chart may i save it for personal use?


I am going to go do work. give her a flush then run half strength nutes at 6.0

This grow has a few weeks left and i would like to make my next grow soil. Coco is cool but it seems to be more of a science ya dig!

If you guys can provide a link or 2 towards a good soil makeup and nutes for autos, would be greatly appreciated.

Yeah save it and use it, I have for years lol
so what r these badges all about?? I dnt get it some ppl have some dnt!! am I missing something?
so what r these badges all about?? I dnt get it some ppl have some dnt!! am I missing something?

They are all for different stuff, @Mossy or another staff member should be able to hook you up. You qualify for at least one or two
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