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I see you mossy!!!!

I was going through the posts..checking off..but didn't have a chance to pop in and post..too much going on..and I turn back into Cinderella at midnight..:yeah:..past my bedtime.

Hey Mo..what do ya know..the Bud Warriors had another raving success last night.

Thanks to the Bud Warrior Team and to Tom for coming in and Answering everybodys questions.

Tom is one Cool Dude..:bravo:..everyone knows I have a tech Blind Spot but even I could get the info there.
(The easy bits..)

The Platinum LED Live Official Test will kick off on AFN shortly..3 well known members of the CannaZone Test Team will be putting them through their paces.

Be there..See it Live..CannaZone..views news and reviews on the products we all use.

Thank you PlatinumLED Tom for the opportunity.

Anyone with an already established Platinum LED grow thread or review can ask staff for a Move to the official Platinum section.

PlatinumLED badges and 500 Plus Rep points are available for any completed PlatinumLED Reviews following normal site rules.
Thank you! I didn't want to sound like a conceited jerk :smoking:...

Nah... No way. I know I'm not the only one here that loves your presence here! And there's nothing wrong with being happy with yourself. And proud of yourself. After overcoming an abusive relationship. You got out. Many do not. Its nothing to take lightly. I hope @geddy your daughter has strength to get out. With you as a foundation no matter what she should make the right decision.

I was going through the posts..checking off..but didn't have a chance to pop in and post..too much going on..and I turn back into Cinderella at midnight..:yeah:..past my bedtime.

Hey Mo..what do ya know..the Bud Warriors had another raving success last night.

Thanks to the Bud Warrior Team and to Tom for coming in and Answering everybodys questions.

Tom is one Cool Dude..:bravo:..everyone knows I have a tech Blind Spot but even I could get the info there.
(The easy bits..)

The Platinum LED Live Official Test will kick off on AFN shortly..3 well known members of the CannaZone Test Team will be putting them through their paces.

Be there..See it Live..CannaZone..views news and reviews on the products we all use.

Thank you PlatinumLED Tom for the opportunity.

Anyone with an already established Platinum LED grow thread or review can ask staff for a Move to the official Platinum section.

PlatinumLED badges and 500 Plus Rep points are available for any completed PlatinumLED Reviews following normal site rules.

A pumpkin? I thought you changed into a beautiful dragon at midnight? That's what I always thought anyhow...
MOSSY that Worked, thanx

You are Welcome..nothing scars your Soul like your children Hurting..:d5:..smoke more is Balm for the Soul.

More Grey Hairs to the son keeps adding to my collection..and he is 36 never stop being a Parent..until you die.

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