Well Im off to bed.. Im really stoned.. My eyes hurt!! goodnight!! star and eyes and AFN!!!
L8tr @The Elvis I am not that far behind you! Here is an appropriate song, all these dabs make me fade!! @Eyeoftheworld did the kiddos win there game?
Well, that is freaky! I don't sell my art. I still have the original. This version is cropped to hide my Sig. There's a little bit more to it. However, like I said I don't sell them so if somebody has stumbled onto it either here or on my fb page, and it spoke to them so much they have it taped to their work desk, I am honored!Hello all, EYE OF WORLD, today at work i saw your drawing posted on my maitienece guys computer ,i was shocked i ask how it got there and he really didnt know, had a woodsy hand drawn background, F REAKY OR WHAT.
I've messed with some digital art and enjoy it, but anything I sign my name to is freehand. Avatar is a charcoal piece. Are you sure it was mine? I've seen similar pieces.Well, that is freaky! I don't sell my art. I still have the original. This version is cropped to hide my Sig. There's a little bit more to it. However, like I said I don't sell them so if somebody has stumbled onto it either here or on my fb page, and it spoke to them so much they have it taped to their work desk, I am honored!