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Sure... I have a dutch girlfriend, who visiting us nearly every summer, have told her she must bring lots of seeds to me from her friends. She's a nice girl but had a bad job.... She's training drug dogs.
Lol thats realy a bad job. My jack russel(rip ) was also trained to find weed, on a walk at the border she found 50g of WhiteWidow, but it was only fun to train her.
She likes beer and weed, she enters the open bottles from my dad.
cu tobe
cu tobe
Good Morning AFN have been Listening to Bud Warriors Pirate Broadcasting through the night with Rebel..Derek and Eyeofthe Smooth you can almost hear the Appalation Drawl...Smooth like Sunday morning..

For your Listening Pleasure on this bright and breezy sunday we have the Golden have me along to play your day away.

Light up and listen along while you cook up sunday breakfast and enjoy the smokey atmosphere.

Can I bring you a bit of Breaking News..
Kitties from all over the UK and Europe are being kit-napped.
Worried cat owners are asking members of the public to keep an eye out for these Evil Cat-nappers.
If you spot any members walking around with lots of kitties on their shoulder you are being urged to ring Crime Stopper now on this number...:vibe:

Head Line news..what can you do about doggy seed thieves..:thumbsup:
:vibe::vibe: this guy just turned up on my doorstep, is there a lost n found for kitties?
The Wiz is back on the turntable after feeding the AFN Europe staff..can I have the first caller..
Ah Rebel..what is keeping you awake after that gruelling nightshift..?

I just hid all my cats!! Yikes!

Pussy Paranoia strikes the Nation..all of Europe is in Fear and cat-napping gangs roam the streets at night.
Has the Kitty Katastrophe spread to the US shore already..let us know..

Over to ChillFred for a weather up date in his area of the world..

Mornin' stoners. Another day of terrible weather... how y'all doin today?

this guy just turned up on my doorstep, is there a lost n found for kitties?

Hooooold it ChillFred Hold it..that indeed may be one of the Kitty Nappers..I try to get a hold of our Serious Crime Squad Investigator @ePengiun...he can Identify the Smell....

Keep that varmit covered until I can get back to you....:shooty:
Well Aunty. We have edibles but no smoke... Temporary dry spell. It sucks and insomnia occurs when that happens. Watching Most Haunted trying to wind down. Love all the castles, manors, and such all over the UK. May try to hit the hay soon. Getting a bit knackered finally. Must be the brownies lol have a fantastic day!
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