Good Afternoon AFN Stoners..

..sharing one...Happy Solstice.
It is always Nice to walk into work and see 30 naked bodies bombed out on the staffroom floor...

..those of you still dancing obviously stuck to the smoke alcohol..Well Played...
Actually it's a 3g Wi-Fi hotspot and he had infected the whole network, (from what apple told me).
Nice birds and the bees lesson on how Virus' transmit..rapidly..especially sexually transmitted ones...
Thanks for the advice Aunty
@Mossy! It sure sounds like a plan, especially the smoke more part!
It gets you through Sane..or Almost..
Hmmm ... I don't remember changing the title that referenced "an old hippies cat", (why am I getting a bad feeling all of a sudden about what my nest title will say?),
Because you can sense that Mossy is about to have some Fun with is setting your spider senses off..
and if I posted a pic of the tea cup critter I keep in my shirt pocket, I'd be laughed off the forum! want to see the critter Bromeo keeps..
You got it Aunty
@Mossy ....I'll dance for you until the cows come home! That kind of reminds me of what I told a certain lady at a local honky tonk last weekend. I asked her to dance and I could tell at 1st she wasn't going too, until I said honey, I haven't even thought about dancing for the past 5 years until I just saw you!
Even being dried at 170f for an hour, it still smelled like sour hash, with a bit of sweet berry in the back, and the buzz was great. My nephew was over, poor boy (grown boy) doesn't get to smoke sensimilla much, and it about put him on his rear. It had me lit like a fire!
I just Love knocking the legs from under friends..especially the ones who Think they are grand tokers..
To find a group of people who are just genuinely kind and caring when at a point where I was giving up on humanity as a whole and even individually has been inspiring.
We ARE Family..
I haven't the foggiest fucking idea tbh. I stopped sharing myself with other people a long time ago.
It's summer solstice though, and a full moon, and somebody said we were to show up naked. So this is me. Being me. Showing up. But I'm exhausted. And really going to try hard for some sleep. So thank you again, and party on!
Sleep Tight..
Well I see our favorite Owld Dragon is on. Good morning
@Mossy may the sun lighten your spirits and the flames fuel your passions.
Afternoon Fuggzy..

..and thank you for the blessing on my day.
Thanks for sharing and this place makes me feel the same way!
Me too..
Of any online community, the canna guys are who I relate to, and of them, the best humans of the group are here.
Every time I think things are getting tough, there is someone here to help me up, and brush me off
I don't get much adult contact either, and understand how that alone can play on your mental.
Most of our sickies are antisocial..they want to sit out in a hut away from all social contact and just smoke dope.. trailanimal really.. is Part of the problem.
Think of it like human hibernation...and a bear with a sore head if you are disturbed..simple.
Good Morning stoners
It's a rainy old day down Arty's way but it still a fantastic day and the garden could do with a water!
I was flipping through the internet of things when I saw a piece of fruit that looked like a bum(arse) and it reminded me of when I was a kid and a TV show Called "That's Life".
The show often had a section where weird fruit and vegetables would be sent in because they looked like something else often looking like anatomical parts of the human body.
So I though I share some bottom shaped fruit, veg and a nut.
Below there are peaches with saucey knickers on looking like peachy butts, these naughty fruits are actually available for purchase as a cheeky gift for them who like a laugh.
We also have a plump round tomato bubble butt, the ever so rude looking coco de mer nut, a tight little nectarine derrière .
Not everything that looks like something else looks like a bum but it is surprising how many things do!
So I thought I best post some other things that look like other things to round things out after all I'd hate you to think I'm obsessed by peachy butts!
Dun dun durda..the theme tune...
You always manage to make me Smile arty..
Well Stoners I do have an amusing story to tell. I've been wanting to take my 8 year old roller skating for the last couple years, but he really didn't show much interest. However, since his older brother has started skating, he now wants too. There's so many things you can't do with your kids when your 45 years older than your oldest son. I've been blessed to be able to throw footballs, take them fishing and do a few more things, but roller skating was something that I knew was a fools errand, (58 yrs old and 258lbs), but dog gone it ... I had to try. So I go down to the VA, because i'd been having a mild gout attack and didn't want it too worsen and they were kind enough to give me an anti-imflamatory shot, a cortozone shot and a supply of predsone tabs, (more cortozone) I'm thinking "i was a good skater when I was younger and it's suppose to be like riding a bike .... not!!!" I hit the floor several times and still haven't seen any evidence floating around on my son's social media, at least not yet! I did notice after the 1st fall that it wasn't nearly as bad, or as far, as falling off a horse and I did that up till 05. (falling off of horses, lol) So it's been around 36 hours and I did all my chores today, plus tended to my son's swollen knee! Also, when the sun comes up i'm thinking about making a watering trip down to the garden while it's early. Maybe I can get that summer soltice sunrise pic, but I better hold off on the dancing until this evening after I've loosened up a little ... hopefully. However, if I could have one wish right now, it would be to be soaking in the hot tube down at the local y, (use to be y, now privately owned). So now everyone knows how crazy I really am, ... if there were ever any doubts. BTW Can someone please pass the Ben Gay???

You don't Bounce as well as you get mom said you Know it is a sign of old age..when you have to take the medicine Before the work..and I know now she is right..
Found out yesterday that my last surviving grandparent is most likely moving on to Valhalla today, couldn't have picked a better one! Shaping up to be beautiful, I only hope when I kick off it'll be as nice!

karma sent for a soft and gentle passing.
Oh wait, I can't forget to stretch!

surffreak...I Must scrub up Well....

..I'm high scoring Coooougar points..
There was a global mod roast last year. There was some real funny shit happening there
global roast...any roast..we've got naked no body brought any Food....

..and I'm Starrrrving.
You sure you really joined up last year? I could swear you were around in 2012.... can you time travel??
Or am I smoking the right Bud...?....
I remember you joining the AFN stepside but it honestly does feel like it was so much longer than a year.
That's what his wife says....every wedding anniversary...
I honestly didn't think I'd last too long. I'm not really much of a social butterfly lol. I don't have a filter on my mouth. If I'm thinking it I say it. Normally that doesn't go so well. But this place is so easy to get along with and there's no ignorant assholes(see above statement) that need verbal abuse. So I don't necessarily need a filter.
Like one big happy family..with less fights..Usually...

..we do have our moments..
But..I'm Happy to say..the members value the peace and calm so much is normally them that sort trouble out before it has the chance to hit RP's.
Very Gratifying..

..I Love member Power.
Morning all.. Ahh Monday how I hate you..
Hey..less days left until Friday..
Searching topless head got me a lot of.... uhhh... interesting pics, but no topless heads...
I once google know the name of the get the wouldnt Believe what come up for that...I was Ashen...