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Nuff poetry.......more naked dancing..
So you want poetry naked dancing... :biggrin:
Here you go !
So after harvest my rescued girls ?

Or @sniper : I have two sick girls got rescued... They nearly close to harvesting

If you thought I should cut these and start over or someone suggested you pull them and start new ones but instead you finished them all the way to harvest
then you would qualify for the badge
Was on a few hours earlier, couldn't even post. What happens when on the frontier of communications. Satellites pointed at temperate part of the earth. During real rainy weather the signals can't reach us. Great day in the garden, my world is juicing up. No smoke in the air, threat of fire quelled. time to go back and see what I've missed.
Marijuana, the antibiotic of the future?

Overuse of chemical antibiotics has led to relatively benign bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus becoming resistant to current antibiotics like aureusresistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which causes 10,000 deaths annually and is housed in open wounds “super-bugs”. The situation has worsened to the point that the US President Barack Obama issued an executive order to create a program to find new antibiotics to fight against super-resistant bacteria, for which a budget of 1.2 billion dollars was allocated.

However, an effective (and cheaper) solution may lie unexplored by modern science: cannabis.

Simon Gibbons is the head of the department of pharmaceutical chemistry Pharmaceutical College at University College London, and one of the most active promoters researching the use of cannabis as an antibiotic. “Everything indicates that these compounds have been evolved by plants as antimicrobial defenses that specifically target bacterial cells,” he said in an interview.

The exceptional activity of cannabis to remove these harmful organisms to humans is, according to the researcher, “a mystery. Really I can not venture an idea how it works, but its high potency as an antibiotic suggests that it must be a very specific mechanism. ” An international team 2008 worked with five strains of marijuana against six types of bacteria MRSA “, and found that all applied cannabinoids showed “strong activity” against a variety of bacteria.

They hope to find practical applications of four of the most common strains of marijuana to produce antibiotics and topical agents to treat ulcers and wounds in a hospital setting, reducing the use of chemical antibiotics (thereby reducing their ability to kill viruses).

The plant’s own resistance to the most adverse weather conditions coupled with ease of cultivation and its wide availability, will allow future use of this plant to fight cancer, prevent inflammation or act as an antioxidant, in addition to its sedative effects and even its use as a painkiller.

In fact there is nothing new in is use in multiple medical problems . One of the oldest Egyptian papyri (Ebers Papyrus, 1550 BC.) Refers to the cannabis to treat a wide variety of gynecological problems, as well as its antiseptic use. In South America it has been used in traditional medicine to treat everything from gonorrhoea to tuberculosis, in Southern Rhodesia it served as an effective remedy for dysentery, malaria and various tropical diseases. Inclusion in the “black list” of clinical data Pharmacopoeia 1945 (although at least in the US it had remained a legal substance from 1851) coinciding with the introduction of commercial forms of penicillin.
why are we not surprised?
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