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Dang, you guys are making me feel like a slacker. Only other things i have are blueberries and new potatoes. Just started digging up those

No digging for me. For veggies I do raised beds up on top of wood tables. Or pots on top of wood tables.

My dogs also eat the berries and pears and peaches, they jump up and pick their own and compete with the squirrels

Oh, and I've got a couple of huge patches of wild onion as well.

Onion is supposed to be very bad for dogs but my late service dog (RIP) used to love eating the wild onions. He did it his whole life and made it past his 15th birthday which is very old for a 125 pound dog
Some days your Luck is just make me want fish & chips now..damn the Munchies..:pie:

Looks damn Good to me 420smuff..Welcome to Live Stoners..:headbang:

Ozone..:doh:..for some reason I have stuck you with a 7,000 kitty..I don't Think they are removable so can you rotate it off for me..or they'll all want one..:thanks:
ha ha, another feeding frenzy
Can i get a 6 and 7000+ rep badge please and thank you. I agree with stepside the new titles are cool- maybe someone could do an index for them like soh did for the badges!
Happy weekend my friends
What have i been missing? I noticed some profiles were Cannaseurs and youre a Cannaholic... whats up with that?
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