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Better than the Daily Mail story yesterday that cannabis use alters our DNA causing mutations and is passed on to future generations, just bog standard non fact based UK journalism, at least stoned sheep are an amusing idea hahaha unlike the Daily Mail's anti canna propaganda.

The story of mutations is true.
I was placed on the moon by NASA to hide my deformations caused by smoking too much Cannabis.
Everything you are allowed to see or hear in the US for "news" is controlled by a handful of people and as long as it fits their needs they could care less about factual.

Some of the best places to get accurate US stories are the BBC and a few UK news sources, and also the Internet if you know how to discern between the BS and fact.

That's one reason they are slowly passing laws in the US to gain more control over Internet content.

Can't be having the sheeple know what's really going on....

I starting running the Associated Press (AP) app on my phone for U.S. news. No commentary, just the feeds. I see shit hours before U.S. mass media distorts it, hyperbolate it, and spins it......
Very good point @wwwillie. I try to, but did not do so with fans...........I even have a back-up ballast and hood (250W). With our investment, I reckon it would be wise to have double of EVERYTHING (-) tent. Screw investment, with our gals on the line, double on everything...............:kiss:
infrastructure redundancy, keeps camp flowing
I vote Hashy gets to be the guinea pig for his walk the plank punishment. Which size would you prefer @HashMaster?
View attachment 574928

Yeah... about that....

I got a tattoo back there that says "exit only, closed for business" :biggrin:

True story.... I told that tattoo joke to a doctor once who wanted to send me in for some test where they put something where it don't belong.... he said to me "are you serious ?" And I just glared at him and asked if he had guts enough to try and find out... he never did send me in for that test.

Alright @HashMaster very funny.................:jointman:......LOL

I thought you would take the opportunity to bring up ye ole' computer program that recognizes people over 45 and screws with them......

No, that's not me.... I got that my first day here when some grow pics from my computer pixilated when I posted them. Oh, and I got the usual "horse and buggy days" joke as well.

Twas a nice welcome..... :cooldance:
Good Morning AFN Stoners...:vibe:..sharing one for the holiday weekend...:friday::friday::friday:

Happy Friday..don't Forget the Worship..:pass:

I agree about the US news,it's all geared toward what they want you to hear and believe..BBC use to have accurate news maybe around 2004,when I was working overseas I never knew how the world really viewed America and Americans,,,news is put out for the sheep that will believe it,,can anyone say "puppet master"

The dominate culture, whatever it happens to be at any given time, writes History, and, theses days employs the media to institutionalize their lies.

Yup..that is what I was going to are Fed what they want you to hear..especially History...:headbang:..

me too, and I'm checking all the genetic damage I didn't get, maybe they're talking about twinkies and not dope

They Should have been Talking about the twinkes..:headbang:..they've killed more people than dope in the last 50 years.

As unpleasant a thought as it is, I'm sure absorption rate would be better than smoking or ingesting.

'Supposed to be a Lot better Rifleman..Are you volunteering to Trial it out for us....?.....:eyebrows:..take one for the boys..

We are having a No Badges let the blisters on me badge fingers heal...:coffee:..we will just Chill.

We'll be giving the staff the weekend off if you have any small them for Tuesday..coz the staff will all be Stoned...:pass:

Have a great weekend...:vibe:..and if you are Partying..we want photos.
Happy Friday stoners!!!! :pass:I got hurt but im ok this is what happened!!

First off, I had a terrible accident, but I am doing better now. I decided to go horseback riding, which I haven't done in a while because the weather hasn't been that great. Well, I got on the horse and started out slow, and then we went a little faster, and then we were going as fast as the horse could go. All of a sudden I fell off and caught my foot in the stirrup and the horse was dragging me around in a circle. It wouldn't stop, it just kept going around and around. Thank goodness the store manager at K-Mart came out and unplugged the carousel.:thumbsup:

Ill be ok but no more "horsing" around!! :rofl:
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