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I agree about the US news,it's all geared toward what they want you to hear and believe..BBC use to have accurate news maybe around 2004,when I was working overseas I never knew how the world really viewed America and Americans,,,news is put out for the sheep that will believe it,,can anyone say "puppet master"
The dominate culture, whatever it happens to be at any given time, writes History, and, theses days employs the media to institutionalize their lies.
bout yee folks
the uk will be the last worlds goverment to legalize weed if ever,then probably in tablet form.i dont mean to be negitive,but theres not even 1 mp/goverment person that is publicly pro weed.swab tests have shown that every toilet cistern in the house of commons has traces of coke,the bastards.
what?, no suppositories?
As unpleasant a thought as it is, I'm sure absorption rate would be better than smoking or ingesting.
I vote Hashy gets to be the guinea pig for his walk the plank punishment. Which size would you prefer @HashMaster?
The one weird thing about UK media, is there seems to be no distinct separation between Tabloid gossip/junk/heresay/crap and actual legit news sources. It appears to be just all cobbled up and put out the same, and by mostly the same sources.

In the US there's distinctly separate Tabloid crap, and everyone knows it's crap and nobody pays any attention to it aside from just occasional entertainment to laugh at. Then there's legit news everyone gets which at least try to be factual and accurately sourced.

So it would seem to leave Britons to just guess what is legit and not....?
Exactly and that what's so confusing And doesn't help what really matters here that this plant can really help people
Yes, I have some insight for you on this:

Moondude, cut and paste does not work for you !




Alright @HashMaster very funny.................:jointman:......LOL

I thought you would take the opportunity to bring up ye ole' computer program that recognizes people over 45 and screws with them......
I hear you on that, something of value may not always be he lowest priced item indeed. I treat fans, like HID bulbs, as a consumable. I buy reasonable quality and keep spares. Those inline fans don't like to be shut off I have discovered so I leave them on. Seems like every time I shut one down it has a problem starting back up. I use 4-5 6 and keep 2 on the shelf. Also keep a few air movement fans on the shelf too.
Doesn't really help if you are not always checking on things, but since i mostly am doing just that....

Very good point @wwwillie. I try to, but did not do so with fans...........I even have a back-up ballast and hood (250W). With our investment, I reckon it would be wise to have double of EVERYTHING (-) tent. Screw investment, with our gals on the line, double on everything...............:kiss:
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