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Morning Stoners :D

Arty is in fine fettle this fine morn.

I got my "Booty" YARRRR! and it was "Froooty" Double YARRRR!

After two weeks of clucking like a broody hen and dashing to the door whenever the bell rang (how many parcels do other people order? and never the one I want!),my Mephisto beans have arrived.

It was my "May The Fourth Be With You" offer from Mephisto.

I had ordered 4 x "Grape Crinkle" and for my freebies 5 x "Sour Stomper x Skywalker LTD edition" but it doesn't end there, oh no! I also got 3 more "Grape Crinkle" and 2 x "Tyrone" as extra freebies, oh happy day

Awesome Mephisto Crew once again you have exceeded expectations :d5::thumbsup::smoking: I am pleased as punch!:frog:

I just love frooty weed and grape crinkle is gonna be soooo good mmmmmm, only problem, I'll have to wait to get them going, I've got Amnesia Stone to do first but that's no problem at all :D

So I sits me down to write this post and "BURRRINNG" the door bell goes again just sheer minutes since my Mephisto order arrived.

Well blow me down bullies, it be me Dimmable LED driver WOOO HOOO!:woohoo:now my day is really starting to get even more awesome

Save for one more fan speed controller and a dimmer for the driver, my PC case is a near as damn it ready to start my next grow, been 9 months since my last.

Not growing for that long has been one of the worst things ever to endure, now they may be joy in my life again and a smile on my face.

canna see grow ani.gif
canna see grow ani.gif
canna see grow ani.gif

The best thing is the driver only took one day to arrive from America. Just buying the driver would have cost me an extra £12 for postage because my spend was under £30, so I ordered a solder sucker, which brought my spend to just over £30 and so I got free delivery and a solder suck and saved £9 in the process,time for another frog:frog:

What a great way to start my day :biggrin: so I'm gonna share some of my good karma with you all :karmacloud: plus some good vibes :vibes: and wish you all a great day and a little wiggle in your step:vibe:

In celebration and as a matter of course, it goes with out saying, Time For A Group Smoke Out, share the bud , share the love :smokeout:



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I almost forgot due to my excitement over my deliveries
To wish you all
A happy friday
and a great weekend YARRR!


Be ye ready for tomorra me hearties?
we be nearly there.....
Land ahoy!!!
Shiver me timbers and hang the colours yo ho!
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