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Better watch you don't Cut Lass...arrr....
Looking at your avatar Mossy reminded me of a strange meeting I had when out for a walk and smoke.

Funny thing about ol' Jonny Depp, He owns a house near some woods where I live in the SW of the UK.

My brother and i had gone out for a walk and as always we had taken some weed with us, for when we'd have a sit and blaze and enjoy mother nature.

So we stopped for a sit and I was doing the duty of rolling up one and this chap come up us and says "Alright boys, what are you up to"?

So we came right out with it and said we were having a smoke and offered some to him but he said "no thanks".

We had a short chat and he asked us if we were in to movies etc, I said that wasn't really my thing and that I had never been a movie buff.

We finished our smoke and went on our way for the rest of our walk, thinking nothing more of the bloke we had seen.

In the next day or so I was talking to a friend and mentioned our walk and the bloke that we had chatted to.

My friend in passing said the Jonny had a house up that way and so I googled his pic and damn me if it wan't Jonny Depp.lmao

Mr Depp has been spotted in other local towns too and apparently likes to dress so not to be recognised and puts on different accents when he does talk to people.

I recon he was checking us out cos we were near his house but could see we were no trouble, just a couple of stoners.
Yeah..:size:...never know Aunty still Loves little Pecker..

It was written on the staff toilet walls..that green crayon again....still can't make me mind up if it is eP or krug...:nono:..but I'll catch the blighters..

You know those two have never been seen in the same room at the same time!?
Arrrrr,me would rather walk me own plank
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum..
15 men up a dead bear bum..
We are having a Pirate Party and you all better come..
Or pucker for a Kiss of the Penguins Bum..

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Arrrrr,me would rather walk me own plank
Talking of planks reminded me of "Sunray Kelly" in a video he made.
Sunray is having a good bounce on the end of his plank @ 4:52 in the video.
Really interesting guy and has a an amazing way of seeing things, check it out it's a really nice video.
Avast, thar mateys. I've be in 'n out, here 'n thar but I be still a lurkin'. Th' captin be back in town 'n thin's be swell fer th' most part. I woe ye all be doin' well. Lookin' ahead to 'tis scurvy pirate shore leave. Almost halfway done wit' grow 1. I cant wait to have some scrumptious smoke. spy wit' ye eye ya
....i've mentioned, got grow 1 goin' fer this year. I be so tired o' tryin' t' figure out what I be doin' wrong as me grows be ne'er close t' what I see bein' produced. Fire the cannons! Ahoy! Oh well, it be what it be. Wish me luck.
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