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Ok. @arty zan i can't get the GIF to load! Help!
hey chill
I do a google search for "What ever I'm looking for" followed by the words "animated gif" and search.

I select an image and click it to enlarge and so the animation starts/moves.

I then , right click and select "copy image" then paste it directly in to the the post box.

You can save animated gifs, you need to right click the moving image & click save image as..." & and name it.

Then click the "upload file"in the post box, select image you saved & upload it , then click "full image" in the uploaded picture bar.
I have tried this method of GOB and even tho it was a first time,I will give it a thumbs up,it's not what I am used to and my stuff didn't come out like the vid,I say if ya got the stuff give it a go!! I'll post more on it as I get the process dialed in...peace
Awesome bro, it's a new one on me and hopefully I can find out more.
If you do some more I'd love to hear how it goes and if you find ways of dialing in this method.
So about getting kief do you guys grind it first then run it threw the sifter?
What I did with mine just for s&g is since it was cut up to eth extract consistency I put the bag over and shook it,when I run DIH I put full buds and thru the shaking process it is dust at the end,the -192.3 temperature will make to much fine dust if you shake it too long,each bag,max time of 2-3 minutes for me,I might lose some but the quality is more important....
I haven't been keeping up, I guess I'm not a very good plumber. I had a water line break and didn't know it.... Till water started coming up through the floor that the bureau fell through. It took me a day to figure out where the leak was. It's been two days because there's no f'n shut offs anywhere. I hate plumbing!!!!!
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