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Almost forgot...I'm a winner!! That's right peasants! bow down!!


Seriously, though...gratz on it was. :smoking:
Who wants a "Limited Edition" badge???!!! I was gifted the opportunity, to dole out a badge today, and today only!! Once its doled out to a select few, then it will be gone and you will have bragging rights on a badge no one else can have or get!!:headbang: Here is the low down on the badge....A few weeks ago, I posted here, in Live Stoners a funny pic for a germination badge, this one...
View attachment 565513 (briman's get crackin badge!!)
Mossy, saw it and being the good sort she is, made me the badge. SO, this badge will have no meaning as to germination. It will be for members that "get crackin" or put in a little vibe on site! Who wants the FIRST "LIMITED EDITION" AFN badge?

I hope I did the strain justice enough to rate the badge?
As I'm burping the jars that the Berry Bomb has been curing in for just over a month this evening, I decided it was time to give it a proper test drive. So picked out a nice looking nugget, into the grinder with it, and into the pipe. Decided to partake of an old favorite activity of mine from the days before video killed the radio star....putting on the headphones, turning off the lights and putting on a good album. Since it's such a nice, cool spring night I headed out to the patio. Put on an old favorite of mine for listening to while baked, MC 900 Ft. Jesus album "Welcome to My Dream". Fired up the lighter, inhaled and enjoyed the pleasantly sweet tasting smoke. Wouldn't say that I tasted berry per-say, but definitely a berry like sweetness. Listened as the album wore on, and by the time it got to THAT TRACK, my brain was nicely melting out my ears and down the back of my neck. Memory lane took me back about 20 odd years to the early 90's when I'd first started smoking and could still get that "trippy" high easily. Anyhow...first time I ever listened to this album I was high as a kite, sitting in my small apartment in the dark with those isolating big poofy headphones on. When the song "Hearing Voices in One's Head" came on it just freaked me the f**k out. Was like someone had climbed into my stereo and was talking directly to me. tolerance is so high these days that I don't get that level of medicated very often, and don't know that I'm really trying to anyways. But the Berry Bomb is sure doing an excellent job of getting that nice, relaxed, perma-grin feeling percolating upstairs. :smoking:

Hearing Voices in One's Head
MC 900 Ft. Jesus

I know you

I know all about you

You see things that other people don't see and it makes you nervous
If your hands would stop shaking you'd wipe the cold sweat off your brow
It's hard for you to think, but you don't need to very much
because the voices in your head usually tell you what to do
You consider yourself to be invisible, and it's true in a way
Because everybody can see right through you
Other people can even read your thoughts,
although they'll never let you know it for sure
But when you leave the room, everyone discusses you and then has a good laugh
You used to have some friends, but they don't come around much any more
Probably because it's hard for them to keep a straight face in your presence
When you go out, you need to be very careful
Things always seem to happen too fast
If someone accidentally brushes against you,
you jerk away in a panic that you foolishly hope no one will notice
When you go into a place of business, and see a security camera,
you try and beam pleasant, innocuous thoughts at it
You make a feeble attempt to be nonchalant, until you are out of its range
If you see a book or magazine, it usually has a picture of yourself on the cover, one taken by such a camera.
These pictures are skillfully retouched to look like someone else, in order to mock you
You never read books or magazines because they all contain secret messages,
hidden in multiple layers of meaning, that make you do things you can't remember later

I know you

I know all about you

Your nights are rough.
You stay in your apartment, with the shades drawn, and all the lights off, watching television
You keep the sound turned off and try to be very quiet, because you want everyone to think you're asleep
And all night long, a disembodied voice in the back of your head sings over and over
Somewhere.......there's a

Ripper has landed long day of travel got momma home to her CBD oil she is very happy now.. Hope your all staying properly medicated.. I also have the first college graduate on my side of the family and I could not be prouder my daughter graduated cum lauda
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