420 and other Cannabis gatherings happening this week in the UK
The days are getting longer, which make people want to get out and about more.
One thing us stoners like to do is have a smoke/vape in the fresh air.
So why not get involved and show your support for our favorite plant by getting out and about at a cannabis gathering.
I'm gonna post some places where you might like to join in with other heads in the UK an hopefully some of our American & European member will post such events in their country.
Ok this is important as it is happening tomorrow "Sunday 17th April 2016" if you live in Norfolk, it is "
The Smokey Bears Picnic" be held at -
Chapelfield Gardens
Chapelfield Road, NR2 1 Norwich, Norfolk
Festivities start at 1PM
Another one for tomorrow is the 420 Manchester Gathering
Platt Fields Park
Wilmslow Road (A6010), M14 6LA Manchester, United Kingdom
at 1 PM - 9 PM
Come and join us for our 6th year of celebrations in Platt Fields Park!
This year we will have Speeches and Performances from..
Colin Davies and MCR Legalise
Tom Lloyd - former Police Constable working to reform cannabis laws.
-Deepo will be performing his new track Weed amongst other material!
-Captain Hotknives
Free Wise Men:
set times may vary

Food and Stalls and Decor:
Maheedas Manchester :
Wonderwall: Wonderwall will be selling wall hangings at the event with a special £4.20 discount just for you lovely folk so dont miss out on grabbing a bargain on the day!
Vegan Food And Cakes!
Please bring your art, crafts, hoops, poi, and all the circus skills! The weather is going to be beautiful that day so lets make it as visually pleasing as any other year and show us your talents
We like to leave the park spotless after the event so if you can bring bin bags with you to help with the tidy up that would be awesome!
Big love, Mannijuana
The next one is a biggun. It's the "
420 Rally" In Hyde Park, London
The event is on
Wednesday, April 20 and the festivities star at 12 PM @ Speakers Corner.
The term “420” has become universally known as the code word for smoking pot. The group of teens in San Rafael, California, who coined the phrase circa 1971 had no clue that their slang for toking up at 4:20pm every day would become a worldwide phenomenon.
Today, hundreds of thousands of potheads across the globe celebrate April 20th as a hash-bashing High Holy Day. In the UK, 420 Day London packs a party that rivals THC-infused celebrations around the world.
London is stacked with 420 Day events like the London 420 Smoke Up & Walkabout. There, stoners smoke, peacefully protest, and participate in drum circles all day at the city’s historic Hyde Park.
Going to Hyde Park is one of the many free things to do on 420 Day London. Reefer regulars can let their minds wander as they cruise through scenic neighborhoods like Leicester Square, possibly bumping into baked A-list celebrities if they’re lucky.
Similarly, knife jugglers, sword swallowers, dance troupes, human statues, and musicians at Covent Garden provide blazed boys and girls with visually stimulating 420 Day performances.
Whether you prefer to call it puffing the magic dragon, blowing a stick, or giggling weed, there’s no better place to 420 this April than London.
For our Scottish brothers and sisters 420 is whe the 420 Hempstock in Glasgow takes place
420 HEMPSTOCK Scotland 2016 will see the cannabis community bloom for 1 day -once again- for the 5th year running. In 2012, the cannabis movement re-ignited, with United Kingdom Cannabis Social Clubs and NORML forming to begin the task of raising awareness and promoting sensible cannabis policy for community self regulation.
420 events were simultaneously organised, planting fresh seeds of change on the 20th April 2012 at Glasgow Kelvin Grove Park and London Hyde Park. The smell of change was in the air and the cannabis community had a voice once again, bringing the issue to mainstream media.
420 in Scotland has set the stage for speakers from across the UK to have their say, share their experiences and speak out against prohibition of cannabis.
420 has grown larger each year and last year, George Square held over 600 like minded people in a peaceful gathering. Attendees enjoyed live music, a range of stalls selling - snacks, refreshiments, parephernelia, merchanside, CBD infused Eliquid - and a raffel, with prizes donated by local sponsers.
THIS YEAR WE AIM HIGHER. We invite you to contact us to have your 4min20 on the day.
Please send all performance/stage time requests to
Ukcscglasgow@hotmail.co.uk with '420 HEMPSTOCK Performance Request' as the subject. Please include any demos/CV's you have. We will confirm your slot if you are successful and put you in contact with the stage manager. *PLEASE NOTE* Due to a high number of inquiries and everchanging circumstances, conformation of your slot may be as late as the first week of April. We appreciate your patience.
We would like to thank everyone who attended and sponsored us last year and look forward to Scotland's largest cannabis celebration, so far...
If your in the South West of the UK then maybe the Bristol Cannabis 420 Gathering is for you
420 Bristol!
Four Twenty or 420 has become an international symbol for cannabis culture and in recent years the scene has grown in the UK, from glass blowing to dabs, we may be a little behind the Americans but then we always are when we try to copy them!
Just incase you have never heard of 420 or where it originates from here is a brief history:
The story begins back in 1971 at San Rafael High School in Northern California with a group of students named the Waldo’s. The Waldo’s used to meet at 4:20pm by a statue at their school to consume cannabis and go off in search of a hidden cannabis plantation.
For many years the idea of 420 spread slowly through the Californian student cannabis culture becoming a general term for cannabis which can be used in many ways as demonstrated below:
Stoner 1: “Hey man, you coming round for 420?” Stoner 2: “It’s only midday” Stoner 1: “It’s 420 somewhere man!”
“Have you got any of that 420 left man!?”
In the early 90’s “420” appeared on a flyer at Grateful Dead concerts in Northern California and was eventually picked up by High Times magazine which took 420 into the main stream.
The 20th April or 4/20 if your in the states has become a day of celebration for cannabis culture and events are held world wide with the largest held in Denver, Colorado where cannabis can now be bought and sold legally for recreational purposes.
In recent years here in the UK 420 has been celebrated in Glasgow and Manchester where hundreds of people attended last year but the largest is always Hyde Park in London where around 10,000 people attended in 2013.
In 2014 despite torrential rain and a huge police presence around 5 – 8,000 people attended Hyde park showing great commitment from people who are considered “lazy stoners”.
This year there will be the usual Hyde Park Celebration on Sunday 19th April and a Parliament protest on Monday 20th April.
Here at the Bristol Cannabis Club we are very proud to be hosting our own celebration on Clifton Downs, Bristol for an afternoon of 420 related fun on Sunday 19th April from 2pm.
There is a map below highlighting where we plan to meet.
Bring your self a picnic and BYO to join in the festive fun, it will be a quiet affair with no media attention and no hype so you can relax and celebrate your 420 in a peaceful environment.
This is a family event and children are welcome when accompanied by an adult.
Please check out our event page for updates on this event:
We are looking forward to celebrating 420 with you!
Check you local cannabis club to see if they are holding an event and if not why not go the extra mile and have a day out at one of the gatherings above.