Once again your lexilogical knowledge has me baffled and so to the internet to try and fathom what odious practices Monsieur Noir et blanc gets up to of an evening.
Here is what I have found
I can see the attraction to such frivolity but how on earth is one to furtle when one has flippers... scrub that I don't think I really want to know.
I can't tell you what Winscombing means in the world of our monochrome avians nocturnal fumblings.
I fear it has something to do with week old kippers and merekats, none to savory to say the least.
In order to control these nocturnal urges, may one suggest the following contraption to aid ones slumber and sedate ones wondering under the covers flippers.
As for sanity well, therein lies the rub.
"When you are the only sane person, you look like the only insane person".
Furthermore "Collective madness is called sanity"
I don't like to put labels on things , which is why I don't work down the lemonade bottling factory.
When you look at it, if I were to tell someone "I talk to an electric penguin, who has a hoard of merekats, who do his bidding in an electronic world where everyone grows weed and where our dear leader is a mossy dragon, I'd be in straight jacket quicker than you can say "flummery".
Your probably right though nuttier than a fruit cake or is that fruiter than a nut cake I can never remember.