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Oh Bugger! i was just poking fun, at my best mate eP!! just put me on the step.. I deserve it!!!:oops1: ep is the reason i am were I am today.. Thats real talk no jokes!!!
It's all in fun right??? How bout The King vs. The Emperor(eP) no holds barred.

Cmon that would be epic!!!
Who said it is fun....Grrrrrr.....Let me at him..........Bring it on Elvis you dead rock star.......the little penguin is waiting.....that said, my hip is in a bad way, and I can't do any violence.......but I can bite yer ankles in such a savage way !!!!! C'mon.......
Who said it is fun....Grrrrrr.....Let me at him..........Bring it on Elvis you dead rock star.......the little penguin is waiting.....that said, my hip is in a bad way, and I can't do any violence.......but I can bite yer ankles in such a savage way !!!!! C'mon.......

ill take you up on the grow off!! we will both need prep time?? workout time? you will be getting a coach right??? :shooty:
hear ya 1939bear, wake in the morn and air going in and out, a blessing


Not much to Ask for is it..?

ill take you up on the grow off!!

He can't grow can he..:shrug:..after his run in with the Law.
It will just have to be a fight to the death..I'll move the chairs out of the staffroom...give you space.

ill take you up on the grow off!! we will both need prep time?? workout time? you will be getting a coach right??? :shooty:

Oh No, HE's GOT A GUN N N!!!

To keep it fair among friends,,,, here eP you can borrow this one
Good Morning AFN I must have beat willie out of bed this morning . Actually I beat most people out of bed . :biggrin: Progress report on my little grow . The plant front and third from the left got of to a pretty dubious start but is progressing nicely . Never say die . 7 think different and 1 s.n og . :cooldance:
Good Morning Stoners!
What's the buzz?!
Hey Bear, I'm usually up at 5 but had some trouble with the coffee apparatus. You know the trouble with fancy coffee making is really a catch 22. You need coffee to be aware enough to make the coffee... Hmmm. Oh well, old white dude problems.
Hope you all have a truly wonderful day!
I hear you . There not just coffee pots any more . I have vaporizers that you need an engineering degree just to turn the dam things on . On the other hand maybe it's as you say an old white dude problem .:thumbsup:
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