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Hey Step .... nah it was WAY worse than that!


I was Jean Claude Van Damme!

... thankfully i woke up and it was all a bad dream!

...Becuase i'm really


Wesley Snipes!!

(just kidding!)

Seems as though you've just been playing hookie... Staying home watching movies.
" Blue said: It was way worse."

Hi Blue, long time no see. Whatever it was, I hope you kicked its butt.

What is that in the picture? It looks like the first night vision goggles.
Hey Feenix :pighug:

No it's all good mate - no troubles or woes, just family and life stuff has been keeping me busy!

I think the night vision googles were a student project - i was just embelishing wwwillies post with a (humourfull lol) visual aide! haha

Good to see you Feenix! :d5:
Hi @blue ,yup,long time no see!! That pic looks like my old er'body,maybe I'm overly optimistic but Friday is getting closer !!!
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