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I bet @trailanimal !! Isn't it funny how after weeks of -30 temps,0 feels warm,my previous jobs required 8 hours in the weather,now I'm spoiled and a walk from the truck to the building seems extreme...damn!!
A little early for planting but high of 16 low off 0.. more just waiting fer hours of daylight.
But if y ask the woods......its spring. .yall should hear the birds right now.
Funny how the forms of punishment have changed over the years . My dear mother was a firm advocate of " spare the rod and spoil the child " and by today's standards would probably be charged with being an abusive parent . I avoided much of her wrath as I was a sickly little lad so she spared me but scared the living shit out of me . My middle brother on the other hand was not spared which further intimidated me . The schools were no different and when somebody got " the strap " the teachers used to open the class room doors so you could hear who was getting it scream in pain . Nowadays parents take away their kids cell phone or driving privileges for the day as a form of punishment . A the good old days . :nono:

Don't get me started with the Nuns!!
Holy crap, 1960, 5 years old, IQ 140+, ADHD, and parochial school. Talk about a recipe for disaster! I broke a few rulers and even a dust broom. The real pain was a nun that made you hit yourself with a 1/2 inch dowel, after 55 years I still have a lump on one of my fingers!!
Enough of that stuff!!

"A the old days"
If you are gonna spank your kid today, you better have your lawyer there.

Aye..when you think of the way children were treated compared to now it is scarey..:nono:..and although we are not supposed to talk religion..they were to Blame for some of the Worst abuse.

Ruben sandwiches

What is in a rubens wwwillie...?

Taking G- baby get to go see Disney on ice this weekend..she's been waiting for a month!!

How did it go budelee..?

Getting wife an kids off then goin fer a hike. Bring up stuff fer a new plot. Gonna be fun, spring has sprung!

Good Luck guerrilla.

been -30 last 3 morns, with so much sun now daytime temps jump 30 degrees to a balmy 0.

:snow2: and here is me complaining coz we are cold..

A little early for planting but high of 16 low off 0.. more just waiting fer hours of daylight.
But if y ask the woods......its spring. .yall should hear the birds right now.


Since it relapsed into winter the last couple days, and I wanted to try out a new chili recipe, and chili and snow days go well together....

Chorizo, black bean, and sweet potato chili. Makes a LOT, so if anyone's hungry............... :chef:

Cheers Ozone....pass the bowl...:glutton:

Is anyone doing anything special for easter..?
It is a Big holiday in Spain....we are in a tourist area with many of the houses as holiday homes and we will double or triple occupancy and the beach will be crammed.

We normally never bother..but hubby's daughter and family are I imagine chocolate eggs are on the menu..and a few trips to the beach if the weather gets better.

We went down yesterday morning..first time of the new year...I walked all the way along in the sea..but me ankles were blue by the time I finished..:d5:..Happy Days.
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