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As a foodie service to those across the pond, it's a Cajun dish based off the Cajun holy trinity of celery, onion, and bell pepper. Usually a thickened, roux based stew like concoction including some okra, tomatoes, and chefs choice of meat and a healthy does of Cajun spices. Good stuff, but personally I've always preferred good jambalaya. Dunno why since they're really pretty similar.
My dads family grew up in Ireland and they were dirt poor. A real treat was a Pigs head. His favorite bit was the "Ladder".

This was the roof of the pigs mouth. Very crunchy and tasty. Apparently !

His mom GrannyP ,used to make the blood sausages or Black puddings and was given the head and a ring of pudding as payment. They always say, the only part of a pig that you can't eat is the squeal !

My dads family grew up in Ireland and they were dirt poor. A real treat was a Pigs head. His favorite bit was the "Ladder".

This was the roof of the pigs mouth. Very crunchy and tasty. Apparently !

His mom GrannyP ,used to make the blood sausages or Black puddings and was given the head and a ring of pudding as payment. They always say, the only part of a pig that you can't eat is the squeal !

use it all !
Oi oi...:eyebrows:

All over the world we are seeing the legalisation of the consumption of cannabis and marihuana becoming more and more common. It was sure to only be a matter of time before Spain followed suite, in the opinion of many.

And now, the autonomous region of Navarra in the north of the country is the first to bring in a law regulating the consumption of cannabis and making it legal in special consumer clubs.

The law which was passed in November 2014 was published in the Official State Bulletin last week and establishes set general rules for the “constitution, organisation and functioning” of these cannabis consumer clubs.

The law was proposed by a Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP), or citizens’ initiative as it is also known, and had the backing of the Socialists of Navarra, Bildu, Aralar-Nabai and I-E. The UPN and Partido Popular de Navarra voted against, yet the law was still passed with a majority vote.

Consumer clubs

The new regulation states that the consumer clubs must be non-profit-making organisations that do not benefit in any way from the sale of the natural plant, and they must also be registered with the Government of Navarra.

As well as complying with stipulated hygiene and security requisites, the regional government has also insisted that these collectives offer courses and talks informing users of how to use cannabis responsibly and of the risks of overconsumption.

In actual fact, there are 381 cannabis clubs already in Spain, according to the head of the Special Anti-drug Prosecution, José Ramón Noreña.

Out of these, 47% are located in Cataluña, 40% in the Basque Country and 16% in Madrid. Only 3% of them are actually to be found in the region of Navarra.

The parliament of Cataluña is also in the process of advancing its own proposal on the same subject, and it probably won’t be long before it will also regulate the use of cannabis in the region too.

While many, those most likely to have not carried out any of their own research, still condemn taking cannabis – which is a natural plant, don’t forget – there are others, including a whole host of medical and science bodies, that claim and have proof that cannabis, and the properties contained within it, can cure and prevent numerous diseases and ailments – including cancer.
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