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ok, check it out, a couple of days I've noticed internet connection twitchy, but hey, I'm on the frontier of communications, so I'm always thinking "It's me".[/QUOTE
I often have that problem...I believe it`s just part of our(UK) `unwritten constitution`...Thou shall be spied on and persecuted to the best abilities of `those who have interest`, for the better being and financial security of shareholders(of a certain level!...Those of lesser influence/investment, can go fluck `emselves! :yeah:) :bravo: Capitalism, in it`s purest form! :devil: ...:bummer:
...Then again, it Might just be your connection! :hippy: ...:bighug: :biggrin: :pass:
Three day weekend ,yaaaaa ,have the grandbabies fourth birthday party but after that the smoke alarms are prolly gonna be going off..Happy Friday everybody !!!
Good Evening AFN Stoners.....:friday::friday::friday:....Happy Friday..

Sharing one for Friday Worship....:hookah:..a Nice Bad Betty..

Well..nice for me..I've been as High as an Old Hippies Cat... :coffee:..hubby got a massive whitey...
serves him right for trying to keep up with the Big Girls huh..?....:smoker:..can't take the strong stuff.
I've had more Practice in than him..:yeah:

Damn, now I'm hungry.

You want to try working with The Elvis..and having a hobby that gives you the Munchies..:glutton:..lethal..

Three day weekend ,yaaaaa ,have the grandbabies fourth birthday party but after that the smoke alarms are prolly gonna be going off..Happy Friday everybody !!!

Sounds Great budelee..Bust a smoke alarm....


Morning stoners!!!! :pass:

Morning The Elvis....bit of gluten free breakfast pie for me Favourite foodie..?...:chef:

My plans include an attempt at some more hash capsules,I was given some guidance by our own @pop22 ,,looking forward to a better batch...also a gumby hash run with all my eth leftovers !!Peace !!!
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