Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat September to January 2020

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I drink half a stout and have to crawl to bed. I'm too skinny to intake alcohol and not completely dehydrate myself. A glass of mead twice a year is about all I can do. I guess I'm good with that. I got pretty plants. :smokeit:
I drank more than a fair bit when younger and now only occasionally but when you fall over the edge it is a slippery slope indeed! The Margaritas were so smooth it just happened:yoinks:. It will take a couple of days to get over it.
I drank more than a fair bit when younger and now only occasionally but when you fall over the edge it is a slippery slope indeed! The Margaritas were so smooth it just happened:yoinks:. It will take a couple of days to get over it.
Had that happen a few weeks ago. A buddy’s band was playing and the whiskey was smoother than it should have been. I should have said “quit drinking weekly”. I’ll have a few on special occasions, any other time I’m sober or stoned.
Wassup LS peeps?
Heres a lil sunday tent shot.
Hydro girl of course, and the other 2 are cat attack survivors that the wifey has been keeping alive.
Theyre both trying to bud so they got bumped up to the big tent, and the jammy dodgers twins are chilling under the autocob in the small tent.
The wifeys rocked it, i had given up on the plants. The plants were set up for a water only grow so shes been helping keep the rez/bubbler full, she fills her own lil gallon jug and waters about 500ml every other day.
I am so down with it all lol, its kinda like the 3rd hottest thing ive ever seen!
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