Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat September to January 2020

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58 days from breaking soil
Lol I said that the thought oh I haven't checked your journal and went n see your post where u just said that they was 58 from soil and 61 from shot glass lmao. I ask cause seeing your experience with them and a few other journals Im thinking of doing a run or at least running one or 2 with my @MegaBuds grow with the Beast Mode Auto soon as i get them. I got some of their Giant Zkittles now but their photos so don't hsve the time to do them now cause I'd have to put em outside being photos. But I'll grow em soon as March hits it's usually 75-80 daytime and 65 night maybr 60 so for a couple weeks I'll watch em at night but then it'll be easy sailing. I love the work you've done with them yours is the main journal that has made me think hard bout doing it and seeing now at 58 days it's no question I'm going to order some lol. Is yours fast but or Seedsman or mephesto
Breeder quotes 70-75 days I believe. They should fall right in that window. Maybe sooner
Shoot after the Royal Dwarf girls and Blue Dream'matic girl went to 125 days for blue and longest dwarf was 120 days a grow that lasted 80 days would be amazing to me I'd be tickled shitless lol i know i had a non normal grow with the times especially the dwarves all journals ive seen their done by 70-80 days. But hey I can wait patiently and it's worth it lol. Blue packs a hell of a punch and is amazing to smoke with the flavors and aromas and is great day smoke if I only hit it 2-3 times lol anymore and your too stoned ti do much. But the dwarf girls alk seek to have a mid style stop can smoke a half a j and be great for 5-6 hours or I can take a little nug of the dwarf i let go longest and has more amber to it I add that little nug to joint of the other kind and mix it and get some potent shit. Last one i smoked of straight dwarf with lots of amber put me down i was super stoned like damn whoa am i ok lmao. I love it ❤️❤️
I am so hungover I can hardly type because the keys are too loud :drunks:.

Mañ'O'Green Hungover:

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