Getting old is NOT for

s! Getting old with injuries just plain SUCKS!
My heart goes out to my Veteran brothers that have far worse injuries than mine and old age, if they reach it, will be a very difficult struggle to say the least. With me being an Alpha type person, I have a HUGE problem with what I'm just plain not able to do anymore. I really can't fathom the ordeal they go thru every second of the day. When I was injured and after I got out of ICU, the asshats put me on a ward with all degrees of amputees and parallelizations. With my spinal injuries, I guess it was the best place for me, but it was very depressing. It did have a positive effect though. It gave me an incentive to bust my ass in physical therapy. The docs said they didn't expect for to leave the hospital for a year. I walked from my wheelchair for the last time, forever I hope, to my car in just over three months.
.I did gain insight on the human existence. I'm not ashamed to say that I cried like a little friggin' baby the day I left that ward. I hadn't seen anyone leave the ward during my time there, so I was surprised and deeply touched by the genuinely enthusiastic response from everyone on the ward on the day I left. All sincerely wished me well and were happy I was leaving. With me still dealing with survival guilt, this was a VERY emotional event, only surpassed by the death of my Father and the birth of my Son..............both of I was present for.
With all the damn ugliness in the world, at least when it gets bad, I can look back on that day and gain some hope for the human existence.
Dammit! It's time to get high!