You've been Stoned all day haven't you......?..........
I'm glad to see someone take Friday Worship seriously..........

...breathe one..two..three...

AHHHHH those were the days................!
These days, daytime is for getting on and doing stuff.
Ever since kicking tobacco, I only vape when I want to vape.
Joints for me they were my downfall, smoke 'em all day everyday, i would.
Shock horror, some days I don't vape at all, days can pass by before I get around to it!
I think to myself, "hmm nice to have a vape" and then forget about it because I am engrossed in doing something else which is also enjoyable.
Then it gets too late to have a vape.
Tobacco for me is bad news as it just want me to keep smoking.
I love growing and getting stoned but I am much more sedate these days and do what I want, when I want to, in that regard.
I do however have an "outrageous (to be said in the most outlandish French accent that you can muster) sense of humor".
I love to have a good laugh and to "cock a snook" at life in general, in troubled times if you can smile, you can get through virtually anything, joy & ,mirth are powerful emotions, with the power to heal!
How to "Cock a snook"! Going cross eyed and blowing a "Raspberry" are good additions to the "snook", which you are "cocking"!
Nothing like the "Phantom Raspberry Blower o Old London Town" to make you chuckle...... eh?