Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat January - 04/2020

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Nice. I use zoom to talk to my daughter’s teacher about any updates etc etc there might be for the school year, homework, etc etc.
Pretty simple to use, Honestly.

It was really simple to setup and use, there's supposed to be a way to not even have to download the client. I might see if I can get WebEx to embed as well and see if one is better than the other.

We talked about bringing back live interviews, I thought it would be fun to video interview vendors/breeders, then we could unmute the mic for those wanting to ask questions live/real-time, see products first hand in real time, etc. The free version supports up to 100 participants.
Grape Slurpee by copycat Genetics grown by me

Looks like one of my double grape buds from mephisto. Nice and frosty, where did you find these genetics?
Yeah i have grown double grape. The two do not compare in strength. I got these online from copycatgenetics direct he doesn’t sell through seedbanks.
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