Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat January - 04/2020

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My only issue with doing that combo test, is where the heck to put it...
I’ll have to bug @Son of Hobbes and see where the best place would be for something like that.
I'd put it in the indoor growing section and if it needs moved later it can. Unless it's for forum testing then in each of the vendor subsections
I'd put it in the indoor growing section and if it needs moved later it can. Unless it's for forum testing then in each of the vendor subsections
That’s a good idea. I’ll probably put it in Prescription Blend’s area, and just tag everyone else, and copy it if they want.
ALF#5 smells so good... but is only half way there... gahhhhhh
B493FE2E-B9FE-4952-BC73-93AC67CEEF0A.jpeg also appears that I’ve made an error in measurement. The rain science bag looks like it’s an inch smaller than I need. Oh well, I’ll run with it anyway to see what happens.
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