...You can't have too much own grown buds this year...hearing reports from all 'round that street weed prices are Rocketing....

If our temps ever lift...pfft....I've got some photos planned and
@hairyman are building New Dragons....

It is a bit bleugh here..nice to look at..but there is a bloody bitter wind.....

When the lockdown was imminent they said sales of tomato seed went up by 1,200%... stock was shite..local selection almost non I have radishes carrots and some squash....if we don't eat them..the chickens will....

..I'm not a great squash lover...but hey..
Happy 4.20
..Thank you for the Music....
LMAO yeah, after so long with no grow, I'm making up for lost time!:smoking:

I am lucky and have a contact for unlimited herbs @ nice price but shouldn't need to fall back on it but good to know it is there!
You may come to regret what you wish for, summer will roll around and temps will frazzle you lol
Is it me or is the emoji list too small?? I peer and squint looking for the right ones, I may be 50 now but they used to be bigger!
At this rate I am in danger of sounding like Uncle Albert!
We have an Easterly a bit unusual for the UK, so there is a freshness in the air but it is still nice outside.
I got rid of old seeds for the garden, lots of old packs
The prices may have settled now, it was crazy at the start of lockdown with everyone panicking!
If only you could buy loo roll seeds, we could have made a fortune!
They don't like it up'em Mr Mainwaring
Sod eating the veg, roast me up one of those chickens, spatchcocked an popped on the BBQ!
I don't eat a lot of squash but I have a recipe for paleo english muffins, which requires pumpkin in it.
That's OK if your American, they got pumpkin coming out of their ears.
So i use butternut squash as a substitute and it works really well, I posted the recipe for you years ago and even included a gluten free baking powder recipe, you know I got soul!
As for radishes, if you don't eat them before they go to seed pick the unripe seed pods and have them with a cold beer as they do in Germany.
There is a variety specially bred for the purpose called Munchen Bier and one called rats tails (because they are long and pointy).
I love carrots especially with beef and lamb, om nom nom