Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat January - 04/2020

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so far so good
ive still got a little bit of a cold from weeks ago im self-isolating but I'm at home anyway so not much change for me and stay safe pal
That we are Aunty :pass:

Sometimes it is a very small world....:pass:

With the pubs shut and no footie...:footy:...hubby says it is going to be a long fortnight....:biggrin:

I was saying in the staff room..take advantage..not often we get two weeks off...ditch the diet..drink lots of alcohol...and eat all the chocolate in the fridge...:crisps:....make the Most of it...

and i love your dogs

Like in a fava beans and a small chianti way @St. Tom

You know they stopped all the can't have a got any toilet rolls.....?....:eyebrows:

ive still got a little bit of a cold from weeks ago im self-isolating but I'm at home anyway so not much change for me and stay safe pal

That's what I was saying..self isolating is Normal for hardship there...
That's what I was saying..self isolating is Normal for hardship there...
got plenty of bog rolls more coming wed from Sainsbury's and of coarse id share with you :smoking::bighug::baked:
Ugh, I've got plane tickets to Seattle for next month. I really want to go it's a fun project but I'm safe here in the nether regions....why would I go there? Thinking of changing my plans:cuss:Cancellations are no-penalty:pass:
got plenty of bog rolls more coming wed from Sainsbury's and of coarse id share with you :smoking::bighug::baked:

I Always said you were me Favourite boy... :pighug: ..I'll mail you me addy....

I just don't get why the rush on loo is world wide...why..what am I Missing...:shrug:..hubby come back with 3 kitchen rolls instead....
I May need to be cutting it up...:biggrin:..I'll not go short of a smoke though...
Good Morfnoevight All! EO.

Went shopping yesterday to Winco (grocery store) and it was about 5 times busier than Christmas Time. Lines for the 6 self check out lanes and 20 with cashiers wrapped around inside the entire store. It was organized chaos and was mostly civil but this is exactly the kind of crowding that transmits the virus - stupid and I was right in the middle of it.

I have ordered a custom polling module for our photo contests. They will start work on it next week.
I Always said you were me Favourite boy... :pighug: ..I'll mail you me addy....

I just don't get why the rush on loo is world wide...why..what am I Missing...:shrug:..hubby come back with 3 kitchen rolls instead....
I May need to be cutting it up...:biggrin:..I'll not go short of a smoke though...
id love to stay with you if i was unwell I've seen your cooking also i was thinking the other day can you remember that tracing paper bog rolls in schools years ago we could always fall back to that
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