all good bud, you? just reorienting maself to the real world after 2 sweet weeks off. dinnae like that real world much
Evening pal...everytime i catch up i havin dash off,,few tunes there i remeber well
evenin frank ,,glad to see you survived the party ,,
Big holiday for the Spanish on the close downs and fireworks...then it should calm down a bit..and I'll remember what day it is again...
Dam ,,its not over,,

meat prices are crazy,,you just cant go butchers anymore they dont exist,,,even half price in supermarkets its fckin dear,,, elbows,,haha i no shame ,, i take it to them ,,i know best times,, the people doing it,, soon as i see that gun out ,i make a few wasted trips ,but when them taste the difference vac pac joints are getting reduced i take the lot