Excellent info Bill. I had Ruth Stout's book Lasagna Gardening back in the 90s. Back in the day before the internet I would also mail order
any thing from the Rodale Press. Back in the day people would refer to Rodale's Book of composting as the composting bible.
When I found AFN I found
@hecno 's thread and learned a lot. I also dug into the stickies on the organic section of the forum.
A grower can also throw some kelp meal/flour (organic plant growth regulator) in their mix. I like to compost in neem pellets,
insect frass and crab meal for chitin. Keep in mind you don't have to buy each amendment you want separately, you can buy a bag of Dr Earth whatever and compost in into your mix. The key to it is having patience and planning so that mother nature has enough time to do her work.
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