Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Celebrating my good fortune with my knee by throwing a point of Brisket on the pit boss to slow smoke all day. Drooling already.......:pass:View attachment 1731839
Treat yourself friend! Im happy for you, we should all celebrate being healthy!
No company cares about your data being secure. This happens over and over and over.

Dumb devices only here. No AI assistants, no cams, and absolutely no ring doorbell. I am always glad my tinfoil is nice and tight.
My junk only runs on a secure network.

I got hit with some stupid charges made by someone in Vietnam looks like. That was last month before this breach. But that's before the acknowledgment of the breach. They fired off for rapid fire charges two for $500 each and two for $250. Bank caught it all though. I still had to deliberate over the initial charge that came in. Took two weeks to get that back.
Kind of little bit fishy.
I think I'm going to also call build a soil and see what kind of security measures they got going for whatever reassurances they can do.
Hope the cops aren’t reading this. lol

Hey, I have some projects that I would like a little bit of help with here coming up; some of them are bit more technical than others. Anyone potentially available to help out?

- Stuff involving trophies/badges on the forum (coming up with ideas for new badges, new trophies, differentiating the two, and coming up with graphics and criteria for having them awarded.

- Some support with some of the Cultivators Club stuff.

- A more ambitious project but something I want to see happen on AFN, but curating and coming up with AFN sponsored tutorials.

- I want to revive the High Team for the forum!