Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Good to know. I didnt have much interaction with him. Seemed nice enough to me. I also didnt go digging to find info on him really either. Either way I will be able to give you a review of his gear. Will be planting some as soon as I get the package.

Hey don't let my opinions persuade or dissuade you. I know people that like his gear, at the end of the day I think that's the most important bit.

We all loved P. Diddy's music until we learned he was a fuckin' pervert, you know what I mean? lol

Sometimes knowing less is the path to bliss.
subscriberz to ur channel are listed in ur channel dashboard ;) but they're listed as whatever their google/utube uzername is, not real namez ;) ppp

How do YOU know?

This fuckin' guy has his own oddly small hands youtube channel!
How do YOU know?

i've had a utube channel for eonz, lol....i jus never do anything with it :shrug: i also edited my post that u quoted....jus sayin ;) ppp
i've had a utube channel for eonz, lol....i jus never do anything with it :shrug: i also edited my post that u quoted....jus sayin ;) ppp

Look at you.
Being useful.
For once!
I... I don't even know what to say.
I think I'm going to have to go lie down for awhile and listen to the Cure.
I want this crop to be ready for gifting this 4/20 but it's the first time growing this strain and I have no idea how long it wants to cure. 4 weeks might be a bit early.

Anyone renting their Cannatrol by the week? Hmm?
I want this crop to be ready for gifting this 4/20 but it's the first time growing this strain and I have no idea how long it wants to cure. 4 weeks might be a bit early.

Anyone renting their Cannatrol by the week? Hmm?
There's places that rent them in the states. But shipping is very cost prohibitive