Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

i've got a laptop....that'z apprx 25 yrz older than god....but it'z still kickin along jus fine....and yup, everything goez via HDMI to my Yamaha stereo & then to my....u guessed -> 32" tv/monitor :headbang: :size: ppp
That sounds so much more hi-tech then streaming it from my phone on wifi :crying:
Shit we're almost half ways to the 50 mark on the YouTube thing!

I'll offer up another genetic box just for hitting 50!

And this Saturday will officially mark our first genetic box contest.

You guys can tell me how this sounds (good or bad,) but the idea I had was to run the contest on the 1st of each month, run it for 3 weeks, then we'll draw the winner the last week of the month.
Does YouTube list subscribers? Like are our names on a publicly viewable list? :pass:
That sounds so much more hi-tech then streaming it from my phone on wifi :crying:

clue -> it'z fuckin LOUDER too! :headbang: ppp

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Does YouTube list subscribers? Like are our names on a publicly viewable list? :pass:

:nono: :thumbsup: ppp

edit: if anything, it'll jus show up as "JerzeyDronekeeper1" biggie ;)
Does YouTube list subscribers? Like are our names on a publicly viewable list? :pass:

I'm researching it. It sounds like that "I" can see my subscriber list on the backend of the account, but I don't think you or anyone else can like click on a link and see a list of everyone that is subscribed to the channel.

But I'm also not sure if you, as a youtube member, have to tweak your privacy so people can't see YOUR subscriptions (otherwise they would see that you subscribe to a lot of "people with oddly small hands" video channels.)
Never grown his genetics, but Martin is a drama llama. I've never seen so much drama with a breeder until that guy. I've seen him shit talking his customers when they have seed issues. I've gone back and forth on inviting him here but he's kind of a douche.
Good to know. I didnt have much interaction with him. Seemed nice enough to me. I also didnt go digging to find info on him really either. Either way I will be able to give you a review of his gear. Will be planting some as soon as I get the package.
I so far have not found how even I can view who is subscribed. That doesn't mean it's not a thing, but it doesn't seem very clear how to do it if you can.

subscriberz to ur channel are listed in ur channel dashboard ;) but they're listed as whatever their google/utube uzername is, not real namez or AFN uzernamez....and yes, only u have access to this & the general public has no way of finding out who specifically is subscribed to ur channel ;) ppp