Alright, let's get some of these seeds going out the door, shall we?!
Working on some promo material today for the giveaways and I'm working on the test form for submissions on them.
Going for simple here; the idea is this:
1. I'll create a locked thread for the contest, with the very 1st post being the information for the raffle.
2. There will be a link to a form submission where you literally just click a button to enter.
3. The submission will automatically add a post with your name to the existing thread, but with the limits it will only allow you to post ONCE. Just like any post on the forum, it will assign your post a post number. So if you're the 1st person to enter the contest, you would have post #2 (since my initial post is post #1.)
4. When the length of the raffle has past, it will no longer allow further submissions, and we'll run a random number generator on Posts #2 through whatever, and that will determine the raffle winner.
This will prevent any duplicates, and it will be completely random as what it's pulling for the winner.
It should be very simple, very easy, very easy to follow, etc.
I'm also open to ideas or changes if we see anything that looks like it could improve or make the process easier, but just trying make this a "oh cool, *click*, now you're in the contest and go on with your day" kind of thing.