Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Anybody who wins and then signs up again for the same raffle prize is a d-bag if u ask me! Why i said i wasn’t gonna enter them and steal a prize away since i already got my package containing whats going into raffle boxes! :d5:
Easy buddy ! Easy!

Someone let me know if these two posts are the same or not..

I never opened them to listen but thought 420 was smoking crack again or something cuz they sure showed as 4 different video titles on my end! :shrug::rofl:

nope, they were all the same thing on my end....and @Hotfire verified the same on his end, so.........i think ur puter was smokin crack :doh: ppp
I know u saw the screenshots so didn’t show as the same video on my end! I was too tired to mention it but showed same thing last night as well! I was (as u already know) too lazy to actually open and listen but it def showed 4 different videos for me! :shrug: