Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25


My mom got an order from a business owner wanting to try 6 different flavors of fudge so she could decide what to order in quantity for her functions!
I don’t believe I have any pictures of these ones. It happened in the first months of flowering little balls with nanners and this time I saw some pollen. One plant took it the worst but two others had a couple too. I think I found what it was my DTW pump quit so I got a new one but it came with different line diameter so I had to use what came with it clear. I covered it all up in the tent and coming into the tent but if I looked in just the right area of the tent there was a very faint glow coming from under the flood tray.

I do the same thing just pluck and move on but this time I caught them late and actually saw pollen.
One of the nanners I plucked yesterday seemed to shed a tiny bit of pollen, but none of the twenty or so others I have plucked did. Good tweezers are a grower's friend. :biggrin:

There are no pistils available though, so the remaining girls can spit all the nanners they want now. Choppity chop very soon, but not today. :pighug:
I had 4 colonoscopies. They wanted to put me under, but I refused general anesthesia. When I said I was driving myself home, the nurse said, "That settles it then, you can't have general anesthesia, I'll tell the doctor." It's not very painful except when the hose goes around the bends in your colon you feel a poke. A couple days after the last colonoscopy I got a fever, diarrhea, vomiting and was in the hospital for 8 days with e-Coli sepsis (blood infection), severe colitis, and toxic shock. I'm 74 and I won't be getting any more colonoscopies.
My third will be my last. In the words of the surgeon, "it was a difficult one". When I woke up, I looked like I was pregnant, and the pain was, shall we say, not ignorable. After multiple attempts to figure out what was going on, including xrays, the surgeon put his arm on my shoulder and advised that "this will pass". Yeah, it did, about five hours later when I finally managed to expel the gas. I was clean for the third time so that will not be repeated. Something else will almost certainly get me first at my age. :pighug:
One of the nanners I plucked yesterday seemed to shed a tiny bit of pollen, but none of the twenty or so others I have plucked did. Good tweezers are a grower's friend. :biggrin:

There are no pistils available though, so the remaining girls can spit all the nanners they want now. Choppity chop very soon, but not today. :pighug:

I normally use wet fingers and pinch them that way if there is any pollen it’s useless once I touch it but most the time there is none. Any more if I’m seeing nanners in buds in late flower the plant is pretty much ready and I just chop :tang:
Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

The virginity of my new car was popped today. That was fast. On my morning stop at Whole Foods (scallops on sale) it had the service soon dash light lit and would not shift into gear when I went to leave. :cuss: after making a few phone calls and about to call a tow truck the light cleared and I was on my way :WTF: The soonest I can get it in to the dealer is the 25th 🙏💩. I am glad I have the truck as a back-up. It would seem the 12V battery can cause a whole host of weird errors and this may be among them.

The worst part of the whole thing is that psychological good feeling I had about a new vehicle being dependable is gone. Of course it was unrealistic in the first place.

In the UK we had pot noodles and pot I thought the rice one would be gluten free..but it wasn' they've probably got it in as a thickner...... :headbang:
Wow we just have to read every word on the package. I have found some pretty good GF Ramen noodle meals on Amazon. I buy the soup bases at the oriental market in town. It is so weird they have no GF Noodles so I buy those online. The Miso soup can be GF or not so you have to read the package closely.

Ms. MOG just had her second and I have had 3 colonoscopies. Next one is in 8 years. I would eat nutrient dense food and chew well because it will not be in there long :eek2: Good Luck!
Ms. MOG requested sausage, egg and cheese on one of my fresh Gluten Free Sourdough English Muffins for dinner. She had only taken a bite or two when it went flying from her hand like a Frisbee, I saw the whole thing in slow motion and could do nothing about it. I tried not to laugh but it was funny. As soon as I saw the anguish in her face it was no longer funny. I gave her my remaining half sandwich and made some chicken nuggets for myself.

Todays breakfast. I tried to enjoy but the car has me upset.

Something else will almost certainly get me first at my age.

About a year ago they were testing my mother for bowel cancer....we were flapping every day waiting for her results and she said Whoa.... Everybody has to die of something..... :pass: ...and..she was right.... was negative.. #JahBless :headbang:
I was starting to feel better with these Crohn’s meds the past three weeks then a turn for these last 4 days. I hope I’ll bounce back okay and be normal again. I’ve not had a grow going since the outdoor and indoor harvest. Just haven’t felt like it these 3-4 months. To many ups and downs and I’d hate to see me waste a grow when I’m down.