Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Morning @420Forever :bighug: ...all quiet on the Western front..........?......

Those #stoner types been behaving overnight........?.......:crying:

ya, it'z been pretty mellow.... @Hotfire had a birthday, but nothin remarkable otherwize :smokeit: i'll be hittin the hay in a few, so ya might as well say -> g'nite Gracie :biggrin: :sleeping: ppp
Oooooh ooh :vibe:....there is a picking crew in next door.....and I've just seen the farmer drop us off a sack of fresh oranges by our gate....straight off the trees.....:woohoo:....oh yum.................
Morning Kittens 😸 and Frank
Of course sleeping and woke up. Decided to check in. Think I'll try again.

Morning :pighug:...fresh orange juice for you....?.....get that heart pitter pattering again........


Hubby brought these back last night.....the field has been main cropped...these are small ones left.

I keep them on the outdoor table overnight incase there are any bugs...... :headbang: ....then he went out with the dog this morning....and the farmer sent him back with another a sack of the large oranges....


Free Food day..........:headbang:..... #JahBless. :smokeit: