I've been putting this off for quite a bit. It's just been a little bit difficult to sit for long periods of time.
So I have this huge seed harvest from the two girls I pollinated of Asian haze. Let them go as long as possible so I can get the most mature seeds. There are quite a few of immature seeds in the mix.
I wasn't going to build or buy something to separate the seeds based on Winnowing. But I can take advantage of the same basic principles of light seed being immature. Static electricity is what I chose.
So I took one of the big hard plastic trays that I'll be using for the big 20 gallon pots and a microfiber towel to help generate the static electricity. It's definitely a lot easier to do in winter time with cooler temperatures and lower humidity. When I first started it seemed like the entire tray was dancing!
I had already separated the seeds from the remaining bud material with a combination of shaking the tray and using the static electricity. With the amount of seeds that I had to start off with, I separated them in the 4ths to work them easier.
So I would shake the seeds until they were evenly distributed throughout the tray, while rubbing in circular motions underneath the tray with the microfiber towel. While still shaking and rubbing the towel, I tilted the tray at a 45 degree angle. In the beginning alot of the immature seeds would climb the sides of the tray For an easy take out. I would just wipe them out with another microfiber towel to catch the seeds and then shake into a trash can . And it was then just a rinse and repeat over and over until everything was done.
The picture is the tray at a 45 degree angle with the mature seeds at the bottom and the immature seeds at the top with the static electricity holding them in place. Same as before just a wipe with a separate microfiber towel to remove them.
It was then much easier to sort and get the most ripe seeds possible and put them in their little containers.