Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

I have lost 55lbs these last 6 months also. I feel I have so many fat-jokes to tell before I lose my privilege to do so. It's a bit stressing actually. So should I double-post, excuse me please.
Congrats on the weight loss! That’s awesome

#HappyCaturday :bighug: any Plans.....?.......
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Morning @KingRatt :bighug: @Trichome farmer. :bighug:

I'll stick the coffee on......

Now...what you two rolling for me............:biggrin:...I want your Best stuff....:pass:.....
We've both got the wheezes and vertigo...just seems permanent now...:doh:...but hubby went to the docs and got some ear drops.

Put them in...waited 30 minutes for them to sink in... stuck his headphones on...and disappeared into Netflix...

Couple of hours later...took the headphones off......:yoinks:......and his ears had both turned black......:yoinks:

The drops to melt any ear wax had melted the covering on the headphones...and it was all stuck to the side of his face......

It didn't help that I almost fell off the settee laughing..........:laughcry:....mmmmmm......:smoker: